The Platonic Blow



Although Auden denied authoring this underground erotic classic, (originally entitled A Day For A Lay) the attribution is now considered correct, especially since a copy of it in Auden's own hand showed up among the papers of Christopher Isherwood. Kenneth Rexroth said "Wysten told me that he had learned more about writing poetry from writing the Platonic Blow than from anything he had ever written."

Written by Auden in the 1940s, A Day For A Lay was initially circulated among a few of Auden's friends as a typed written manuscript. In 1965, the poet Tram Combs gave a copy to Ed Sanders, publisher of the New York based Fuck You magazine. The poem first appeared in print in issue 5 of the magazine and almost simultaneously as a separate pamphlet (the one being offered here). Shortly thereafter, however, the New York City police raided Sander's bookstore, the Peace Eye, and seized most copies of the Platonic Blow along with other "obscene" material, which were subsequently destroyed. The poem (entitled A Gobble Poem) was next published by Fuck books of London in 1967 ; the Amsterdam sex paper Suck in 1969, :Avant Grade No. 11 in 1970; an illustrated version by Guild press in 1970 (see below); and Gay Sunshine Journal No. 21 in 1974. The poem, however, was not included in the 1974 edition of Auden's collected poems.

"It was a Spring day, a day for a lay, when the air

Smelled like a locker room, a day to blow or get blown

Returning from lunch I turned my corner and there

On a nearby stoop I saw him standing alone....

(and so to bed)

And the friendliest red. Even relaxed the shaft

Was of noble dimensions, with the wrinkles that indicate

Singular powers of extension....

(Oh Wystan, how could you)

Indwelling excitements swelled at delights to come

As I descended and ascended those thick distended walls....

(quote the poet nevermore)

His hot (graphic term deleted) spouted in

Gouts, spurted in jet after jet."

(thank God, the end)

New York, The Fuck You Press ("a name of distinction, representing 4 years of quality production in the slurping, slarfing, gobbling, golden shower & rim queen industries."), 1965. Four editions of this pamphlet were published. A trade edition of 300 copies (actual number unknown). The Rough Trade edition of 5 numbered copies each with "slurp drawings" by Joe Brainard. Three copies with a sealed pocket sewn in containing "secret gobble relics from the body of W.H. Auden" and a Turkey edition of 2 copies, which reveals the name of the publishers, "both evil young poets, Toe Queens, ..cocksmen, scandalously freaking in the lower east side."

This copy is of the regular trade edition, very fine in very fine paper wraps, not paginated. (If anyone has a copy of the Auden sealed gobble edition, please let me know.) Young number 138*. Although of the regular trade edition, a copy in this condition is a very scarce item. No Library of Congress holdings. $225

The Illustrated Blow

Washington, D.C., Guild Press, 1970. First illustrated version with black and white photographs of two men acting out the poem in very graphic detail. Photos appear above each stanza, although one of the models appears to change into someone else half way through the book. The poem is also printed without photos in the back of the book. As issued in paper wraps, 69 p. No Library of Congress holdings. $125