How often are you and your partner:
- Emotionally honest (showing how you feel),
- Spontaneous,
- Loving,
- Willing to ask for what you want,
- Playful,
- Giving.
How often do you and your partner:
- Bicker,
- Complain,
- Acknowledge each other’s strengths,
- Blame or find fault,
- Feel irritated,
- Get angry,
- Pretend not to be angry when you are.
How often do you:
- Initiate fun activities,
- Become sexually playful,
- Solve problems faced by both of you,
- Avoid contact by busyness (including TV and radio),
- Fail to hear what your partner has said,
- Fail to speak loud enough to be heard by your partner,
- Blame your partner for not understanding you,
- Look for ways to improve your relationship by changing your own behaviour.