Who is the National Spinal Cord
Injury Association?
In order to assist the 7,800 individuals who sustain a
SCI each year, and the 400,000 persons living with spinal
cord injuries, the National Spinal
Cord Injury Association was established in 1948. The
NSCIA has many chapters throughout the United States.
Some members have physical disabilities while others do
not. Chapter members participate in a variety of
activities. They work with local and national officials
and agencies to develop better programs and services and
act as community advocates for improved access, housing,
transportation, employment, and leisure time activities
for disabled people. Peer support and other services are
also provided. These are fundamental aspects of living
that 500,000 people with spinal cord injuries or diseases
must cope with after they have been rehabilitated and
have returned to community life.
More and more persons are getting involved in
activities of the NSCIA. Through the collective efforts
of staff, chapters, board
members, and other volunteers, the Association is
improving care, producing results in research, and
addressing everyday living issues that confront all
people who use wheelchairs.
The Association serves not only persons with spinal
cord injuries but also persons who have diseases or
conditions, the effects of which are similar to those of
spinal cord injuries. Multiple sclerosis, which affects
young adults, is one example. Friedreich's ataxia, which
manifests itself during teen-age years and appears to run
in families, is another. Spina bifida develops before
birth during growth of the fetus. Varying degrees of
paralysis often result. The individuals affected
frequently use wheelchairs and therefore must cope with
many of the same problems that confront persons with
spinal cord injuries.
NSCIA has three basic program
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The National Spinal Cord Injury
Association assists in the development of
regional systems of comprehensive and integrated
care, treatment, rehabilitation, and community
living. The purpose is to serve individuals who
become paralyzed as a result of spinal cord
injury. Activities include: |
- Promoting ideal standards of care;
- Documenting and coordinating resources at
the local level;
- Providing care consultation services to
persons who have recently experienced
spinal cord injury and their families;
- Educating professionals about proper
methods of providing care and
- Providing an information and referral
service to individuals interested in
learning about spinal cord injury through
a toll-free National Information Line
(800-962-9629); and
- Implementing a program of public
education that focuses on prevention of
spinal cord injury and abilities of
individuals who have been paralyzed as a
result of SCI.
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The National Spinal Cord Injury
Association supports and encourages research
aimed at improving care for persons with spinal
cord injury and developing a cure for spinal cord
injury and disease. The following activities
support these objectives: |
- Promoting and funding neuroscientific
- Promoting improved clinical care through
professional education and support of
research conducted by other agencies and
organizations; and
- Facilitating exchange of information
among scientists.
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The National Spinal Cord Injury
Association pursues resolution of issues related
to the everyday lives of paraplegics and
quadriplegics. Problem areas include access,
housing, transportation, employment, and leisure.
Activities are carried out primarily through the
chapter structure of the Association.
Specifically, chapters: |
- Provide peer and family counseling on a
person-to-person basis;
- Help through personal contact to motivate
individuals with spinal cord injury to
establish realistic goals in regard to
employment, education, transportation,
and adaptation to wheelchair living;
- Distribute information to persons with
paraplegia, quadriplegia and other
disabilities about equipment, personal
care, special devices, and other
important resources; and,
- Advocate elimination of barriers to
independent living for persons who use
wheelchairs for mobility.
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