"Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam"
Physical Description:
Roderick is lank, somber, and as meticulously neat as his worn wardrobe allows. His eyes and close-cropped hair are dark brown. He gives an impression of sturdiness. His black suit has a low collar with a gap at the throat. His black-framed spectacles are neatly polished. A plain black ring surrounds the middle joint of his right index finger. The only point of color in his ensemble is a gold ring on the third finger of his left hand, perhaps a wedding band. Closer inspection reveals a seal on the ring, worn turned towards his palm, depicting a blazing sun which in turn contains the letters IHS. When travelling Roderick wears a travel-stained black trenchcoat, a black backpack, and a round, broad-brimmed black hat. The backpack contains his spare clothes, some toiletries, and his toolkit.
Alternate Names:
Father Roderick Delaney
Captain Richard McFine
Home Shadow:
The Concord (Earth)
Personal Symbol:
An open scroll
Personal Colors:
What Do You Want On Your Tombstone?
"Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam"
Roderick Created by Carl Klutzke | |||
site (contents & artwork) ©1998-2003 by
Scott C. Nolan