The Popocelotl Hegemony
A new world nation in Lords of the Earth Campaign Ten
Welcome to the home page of the Popocelotl Hegemony, a nation in the
fictional world of Lords of the Earth.
Popocelotl is situated in the river valleys of western North America. Its people are The Smoke Jaguars, a warrior clan related to the Oaxaca. They are inheritors of an epic trek across the mountains and deserts of meso-america, and now exist as a strange blend of Aztec and Hopi. Now the Smoke Jaguars struggle to recover their ancient glory after surviving the Great Plague brought by white men out of the eastern sea.
Popocelotl History
1215 - Xinago leads the Smoke Jaguars out of Tamualipec and into Mogollon.
1225 - The Smoke Jaguars settle into the valleys of Ocel. In concert with the Chumash, they destroy the Hohokam civilization.
1230 - The Smoke Jaguars turn on
Chumash, fighting battles in
Yuma and Salinin. The Chumash are destroyed. Jornada joins the
Smoke Jaguars.
1240 - Smoke Jaguars renamed the Kingdom of Popocelotl.
1270 - After decades of sloth, King Lecuti expands the capital, Chaco.
1340 - Popocelotl's ally, Chiricaua, declares itself an independent nation.
1344 - The
Volgars, a white people from across the Great Sea, land in Vinland.
1350 - Popocelotl takes part in the great expedition to wipe out the Volgars at Cahokia. The brave Smoke Jaguar warriors were prevented by the greedy Mississippians from taking any of the Volgars' horses.
1365 - Popocelotl buys horses from the Hopewell
1385 - The port city of Tuzigot is founded in Karankawa. Popocelotl trades with the Gulf nations for the first time.
1416 - The Volgars return in force to
Vinland. The Great
Plague spreads across the land.
1420 - Accinahuacatzin and Axolicl cross the Sierra Nevada to plunder Serrano. However, the army never returns home. The Great Plague spread across Karankawa. Trade cut off with Gulf nations.
1420 - 1464 - Millions of the Smoke Jaguars succumb to the Great Plague.
1484 - The old chief Yergarc dies, and the supporters of his two sons, Yelone and Uictolio, wage the Smoke Jaguar War. General Quatalmunta, supporter of Uictolio, won the war and became the king's regent.
1496 - New Popocelotl capital of Phoenix is established. "What the hell is a Phoenix?" wondered the Smoke Jaguars.
1512 - The Smoke Jaguars seize Yuma
from the Nydania invaders.
1516 - Uictolio's flirtation with Roman Catholicism causes revolts in Yuma and Mescalero.
1537 - King Geronimo uses fire and sword to convert the Jornadans to the mesoamerind faith.
1549 - First port built on the Sea of Moctezuma.
1552 - King Huaptl dies
young. His heir, Mzantos the Freezing River, faces two lieutenants
in revolt. His loyal retainer Redwing assassinates Sabeno, while
Mzantos defeats Badgerclaws in single combat. Salinin, Yaqui,
Hohokam, and Opata
in open revolt.
1558 - The Smoke Jaguars are under new leadership (Scott Nolan becomes the player) and the nation's name becomes The Popocelotl Hegemony.
1561 - Mzantos increases the power of the government and tightens his hold on his remaining regions.
Contact the Popocelotl Ambassador!