Who am I?

My Resume
Fahed El Salem Street
Another Pic
And Another Pic
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This is me with my Mother

My name is Mahmoud Mohammed Badawi.... I am originally from Syria.... carrying a Jordanian Passport... was born in Kuwait in April 26, 1964.... what a mix eh.... Besides all of that .... I am an Arab.... I think that's what counts.... I lived 20 years of my life in a country that is called the bride of the Gulf.... "Arous el-Khaleeg" "Kuwait".... I enjoyed every minute living there.... I came to the States seeking an education.... went to "George Washington University" in Washington D.C. ..... I thought that as soon as I finish my education.... I will go back to Kuwait and live over there. But things did not go my way. The war broke over there and I couldn't go back..... Now I made my decision.... I am going to stay here.... How long? I don't really know.... but now I feel that I can live in this country.... I made good friends over here.... and they made living here feels like home.....

My hobbies consist of the following.... Sports.... Sports.... Sports.... well as you can see.... I love sports.... I watch every thing except for Golf and Baseball.... I hate to read.... yes.... I know it is bad.... you have to read so you will educate yourself more.... but hey what can I do... I can't change that.... I love music.... Arabic and English.... actually any song with a good rhythm that my ears can accept....

I do have strong believes about the Arab world.... very unhappy about what is going on over there.... I pray and hope that things could change... so the people can exercise their freedom.... it is really sad the way things are.... I am not involved in any organizations or groups.... not a strong believer in those things.... if I want to help usually I do it myself.... had very bad experiences dealing with organizations that claim they are helping people over in the Middle East.... now I do what I can without anybody's help.... no need to use anyone.....

Friendship is very important to me.... I love people .... I enjoy having a lot of friends... yes it does take me a long time to accept someone as a friend but I always manage to make the right decision..... I had bad experiences with a lot of people here in the States.... so now I consider everyone is bad till they prove to me that they are good.... I know this is a bad way of thinking ... but hey this is who I am.... and anyone who would like to be my friend has to accept that... and if he/she proves to be a good person... he/she will have the royalty treatment..... this is a promise...

To be continued...


Well as I promised now I do have something to say and talk about.... here I am coming back to you guys after a while... I know it has been long since I wrote or changed things in this humble  homepage... but guess what... I AM BACK ...

Well a lot has happened in the past few years... oh girls don’t worry I am not married yet... but guess what I might be soon... ya3ne ra7et 3alikoum OH... my western friends that means (YOU LOST YOUR CHANCE) Just kidding as if you guys care… Okay Okay... lets leave the joking a side right now...

Well first I became an American citizen... that was something very important to accomplish since I decided to live in the States... Right?.. So now I can say I am an Arab American... some friends tell me that I have to say... I am Syrian American... well I don’t see that's right... because after all I am an Arab... so Arab American sounds better... Also I opened my own company... so now I do both … work as a consultant and have my own business... that should be a plus... (More $$$$$)

I also went on a long trip (Vacation) in September 99... I visited Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates and guess what... "KUWAIT".. finally I was able to go to the country I love most... a dear friend of mine was waiting for me in the airport  I asked him to drive through the street where I use to live... before taking me to the hotel... I can’t describe to you the feeling I got the minute I entered that street... it was overwhelming... I stayed in Kuwait for 7 days... I couldn’t believe myself that I was really in Kuwait... I drove all over... I did not leave a place... I saw most of my old old friends... it was sooo amazing… still hoping to do that again soon.

Then the most important thing happened... was finding the dream girl... OH No... No.. I am not going to say more... I love teasing people... so I am sorry... that’s all what you will get for now...

I am now 35 years old... I think I am well established... I have my peace of mind... and I feel sooooo happy... Oh I mean it... I still treat people the same way nothing changed about that... I don’t trust them unless they prove that they are trustworthy and in return they do get the royal treatment... It is still a promise...

I still live with my sweet brother and my cute sister... my parents visit us every now and then... Oh by the way... mom came in January 99... and she is still here till this day... Don’t get me wrong... we are so happy having her here but the word visiting dose not qualify in her case or what do you think... my baby brother is now in United Arab Emirates... he is working there... but he is not so happy yet... we are still trying so hard to get him a
Visa to come to the States since all of us are here except him... well if there is any cute Arab American girl who wants to marry that sweet lovely guy and help him to come to the States I would appriciate that soo much... you can see a pic of him by CLICKING HERE… HEY... isn’t he cute... well he has the best look of all... Just kidding... well we can say he is... between him hussam and yasmine… but none of them can compete with me…  Yeah Right...

I know that most of you want to know who changed my life and who that person is… Right?... NOT... well still I can’t say much about her.. but I can say one thing... SHE IS AMAZING (BIG TIME)... she makes me laugh, I feel safe with her, and the most important thing she is HONEST... Is that enough... I guess so...

Hey Guys....

This thing is not finished yet..


To be continued... 
 May 07, 2002

Hi again ...

I am back with two big annoucment this time... are you all ready... hmmmm... I think you all are and you all can't wait to hear from me... Yeah Right!!!...

Well i can start by saying that in November 9, 2000 was the day Dima and I got married in Lebanon... here is a picture from the wedding...

As you all know I did not say much about her but now after almost a year and 6 month I can say that I was so right to wait that long to get married... She is amazing, great, faithful, honest and she loves me so much... after all who doesn't... Right... NOT!!!

On May 1, 2002 a cute little baby was born... his name is Mohammed Mahmoud Badawi ... aha aha... you are all right about that... he is my cute son... he changed my life in a big way... I can't wait to see him everyday... I can't wait to play with him... he is simply amazing... I never thought that I  love babies much... and this has changed that thought in a big way...

Thats all I can say for now... I will try to keep you all posted with my life as if you all care... Right? :)

Take care and talk to you all soon

To be continued


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