Well, since you clicked here, I guess you would like to know a little about me.
theres a picture if you are really curious.

Im around 30, and I am basically attempting to learn web design on the fly.
Im a complete techno-geek, which is probably why I ended up in the
computer field after working jobs in just about every other field that exists.

Im currently employed by Inacom Information Systems, and Im an onsite employee
at Air Products and Chemicals, in Trexlertown PA. I work in hardware break/fix
and its a fun, if not terribly challenging job.

click here to see the web cam It refreshes about every 30 seconds, so hit reload every once in a while.

Home life? why thanks for asking. I live with a wonderful lady, Teseth
who is ALSO a complete geek-type (tho a gorgeous one).
If you need more info, read her page.

we also have a wonderful dog, and a cute lil kitty, and several dozen fish, ranging
from a group of tiny Tetras, to a foot long red pirhana.

Hobbywise, my time is mainly taken up by Computers (surprise!) and the SCA.. the
Society For Creative Anachronism which is a group that
recreates (with slight modern impact) a select period of the middle ages. (600 to 1600 AD, roughly)
We have a great time, and everything that was done in the time period of our choosing, we get to do,
including, but not limited to, weaving, dyeing, sewing, brewing (YUM), weapons smithing and research,
armored combat, games, dancing, music, well.. pretty much, if they did it, we do it, short of bleeding and
incurable diseases.