Walking Bear Collectibles


Anasazi (Pueblo II) Corn Cobs (5).  NM.


Item:  NMP-2

Price:  $25

Anasazi (Pueblo II, 950-1050 AD) Collection: Corn Cob, Yucca Cud, Knot, Watermelon Seed, Pinion Nut, Damaged Arrowhead, Pottery Sherds, & Flint Flakes.  NM.


Item:  NMP-1

Price:  $35

Anasazi (Pueblo II) Yucca Cuds (3).  NM.


Item:  NMP-3

Price:  $25

To contact us:

John Selmer

Phone: 703-444-2841

Email: LSelmer@erols.com

Pueblo III arrow foreshaft with a small piece of sinew left from binding it to the arrow shaft. Pueblo III, approximately 1150-1275 AD.  NM.


Item:  RD-103

Price:  $110