Information Technology Organization Management Flight Simulator (ITOFS)
For the Information Technology manager, just knowing 'what' isn't good enough anymore.
You must also know 'why'.

CIO Decisions 
Project Leader Decisions 
Staff Administrator Decisions 
Technographer Instructions  
Control Lever Detail Description  
Output Description 
Partial Stock and Flow Diagrams 
Traditional v. System Thinking 


ITOFS is a simulation which mimics the system development process in a small Information Systems department. It contains elements of repeated project assignment with associated code generation and testing. It provides a capability to hire new personnel, and to devote resources toward improvements in such areas as technology and process improvement. You should have already downloaded the ithink runtime engine and the ITOFS model (right mouse click).

While there are many sub-objectives, the primary objective of the simulation is to produce the highest efficiency rating where:

Efficiency Rating = Finished Delivered Source Instructions (DSI) / Cumulative Productivity Factor
In this simulation Cumulative Productivity is based upon Test Productivity and Development Productivity. These measures are affected immediately by almost 20 other variables. That is, how productive your programmers are depends upon the complexity of the challenge, how up to date their computer resources are, how well trained they are, how much schedule pressure they are under, etc. etc. And each of these 20 variables may be affected by many other variables.

Attempting to find an "optimal" solution as the software code development moves through time is an intractable problem. Solving a complex problem like this requires the use of  Nth Order nonlinear differential equations.This complexity is not something you can mentally solve, nor solve using sophisticated analytical mathematical formulas, simply because there are many solutions. Your focus as a simulation user should be upon understanding the relationships among all the variables and upon observing the long wave cycles in software production, not upon finding the "best" answer..

The simulation covers a total of 600 days. It is paused every 60 days to allow the user to;

1) accept or reject new project proposals and ,
2) make adjustments in the available control mechanisms.
At the start of the simulation there are 16,000 DSI in the pipeline.

To aid in the simulation operation, control of the adjustable levers is divided among three team members.

1) The Chief Information Officer (CIO) receives new project proposals, must decide whether to accept or reject them. Sometimes the proposals are required, other times they are optional. The specific levers the CIO controls are Accept Project, Project Business Value, Project Complexity, and Project Size. The last three must be adjusted each 60 day period.

2) The Project Team Leader makes decisions about hiring, testing, and schedule slippage. The specific levers he/she controls are How Many to Hire, Test Fraction, and Push Deadlines.

3) The Staff Administrator invests in overall measures for improving the development environment. Levers under the administrators control include  Investment in Training, Process, Measurement, and Technology.

Your team must work together to plot out a strategy for meeting the requirements that are presented to them. If you are working the simulator in a distributed mode, each participant will need to act as a technographer or person who sets the controls and runs the simulation.

IT Corporate Management (CIO) Decisions

As the CIO, each period you will be provided a new set of possible projects to accept. You must decide which projects, if any, you will pursue. The first time the simulation is operated beginning to end you should set:

Frequency of Project = 60 days
Stop the Projects = 600 days (i.e. they do not stop)
Each period you will draw a "card" such as:
Period 2 
                     DSI    Complexity  Business Value 
Project 2-1 10000            5                5 
Project 2-2 15000            1                3 
Project 2-3 25000            1                3 
  Note: You must accept one of these projects 
  Note: Future requirements look light at this time 
The simulation will only allow one new project to be started during one of the 60 day time periods. Unless otherwise stated, you do not have to accept a project. Before making your decision, be certain to see how many DSI remain to be processed from previous periods. In the OUTPUT section of the simulation, click on the following button to see each period's results.

 As the simulation proceeds, write down your decisions in the table below.
Table A. Chief Information Officer Decisions
Accept Project 
Project Size (DSI) 
Project  Business 
Here are the period options. Don't click on the first period until you are ready to start the simulation.

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5
Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Period 9 Period 10
Here are all the options in one document. [All periods] Note: One of the most important elements of the simulation is that you don't know what the future requirements are going to be. If you print out all the options, then you are denying yourself an opportunity to really learn from the simulation.

Project Leader Decisions

Once the CIO has committed the MIS group to a set of projects, you must then attempt to work the specific projects through to completion. To this end you have three general factors under your control - hiring, testing, and slipping the deadlines.

How Many to Hire

As seen below, there are two classes of employees - rookies and pros. Initial productivity for a Pro is 60 Delivered Source Instructions (DSI) per day. It takes 40 days for a rookie to become a pro. Rookies produce work at 1/2 the rate of Pros. Pro's resign at a 20% annual rate. Pro's spend 20% of their time training rookies. You have 2 rookies and 6 pros to start. You may add to this the first period.  Print out the following table and keep track of the decisions you make here.
Table B. Project Leader Decisions
# of rookies
# of pros
Test Fraction
Push Deadlines
Test Fraction

Rookies and Pros may be assigned to either Development or Testing. The Test Fraction Slider bar dictates the percentage to be assigned as Testers. See detail definition for Test Fraction. Not testing will seriously degrade the number of completed DSI.

Push Deadlines

You have the option of pushing back the deadlines which are established by a combination of business value, amount of integration and test, and overall productivity. Pushing the deadlines back will mean that less code will be completed on time. This will create negative customer reaction, and a loss of business value.

Staff Administrator Control

As the primary administrator, you may invest in the improvements outlined below. In the long run these time based investments will have a positive effect upon your staff's production. Initially however, you will lose some productivity due to 1) employee time spent away from regular production and 2) the learning curve for bringing the improvements into your environment. Refer to the definitions for specifics on the effects of the lever control operation.
Delay (Days)
Long Term Productivity Gain
Short Term (2 weeks) Productivity Loss
Process Design
3 DSI/day
1 DSI/day
Technical Upgrades
DSI = Delivered Source Instruction

Print out and keep track of the decisions you make from period to period in this table:
Table C. Staff Administrator Decisions
% of staff  in Process
% of staff  in Training
% of staff  in Technical Upgrades
% of staff  in Measurement

(1) Note that the Total Column can be equal to as much as 100% but then all employees
will then be involved in one of these functions.

Technographer Instructions

As the technographer you are responsible for setting the levers based upon the instructions given to you by the CIO, Project Manager, and Staff Administrator. If the simulation is being conducted in a distributed mode, then each participant will need to act as the technographer. The technographer is also typically responsible for guiding the group through the output produced each period.

There are two main screens. The first, "Input Screen" provides the capability to key in the decisions by dragging slider bars back and forth. The second, "Primary Output Screen" portrays a graph with progress in code development, a gauge which monitors the efficiency rating and four other sub-graphs. The four sub-graphs portray productivity, human resources, enterprise and infrastructure information respectively. Click on the small graph icons to open them up. The blue button(s) at the top right on each screen provide you with the ability to maneuver among the views.

Figure 1. The User Interface

The Stocks and Flows Detail Pointers provide you an avenue to enter into the "guts" of the model. Caution should be exercised when venturing down in this area. It is easy to get lost! But this is also a valuable area to discover relationships between the factors in your simulation. 

Control Levers - Information Technology Flight Simulator

The diagram below shows you the levers you will have to control. The CIO will control those decision levers above the dotted line, the project manager will control those on the bottom left, and the staff administrator controls those on the bottom right.

Figure 2. User Control Levers

Corporate Level Decisions

Accept Project - When a new project is assigned, the user has the choice of accepting it or not. The default for this value is 0 and the user sets it to 1, thus letting the new project data flow into the model entities. The user must move this slider to 1 to accept a new project.

Frequency of Projects - The user can set how often new projects should be assigned. For example, setting this slider to 50 would cause a new project to appear every 50 days.

Stop the Projects - The user can define when the new projects should stop being assigned. For example, if frequency is set to 50 and this slider is set to 201, then new projects will appear at day 50, 100, 150 and 200. After that, no new projects will appear.

Project Size - When a new project is assigned, you have the option of modifying the size of the project by adjusting this slider.

Project Complexity - With this slider, the user can adjust the complexity value for a new project. Leaving it at 0 will cause the randomly generated value to be used (this is the one displayed).

Project Business Value - With this slider, the user can adjust the business value for a new project. Leaving it at 0 will cause the randomly generated value to be used (this is the one displayed).

Project Manager/User Decisions
Push Deadlines - Allows the user of the model to alleviate schedule pressure by pushing the deadlines on the projects that are currently being developed. This slider has a linear effect on schedule pressure, i.e., setting it to 0.5 will cut schedule pressure by 50%.

Test Fraction - The user can specify what percentage of the work force should be doing testing. The default is 0.4 or 40% do testing.

How Many to Hire - The user can define how many new rookies to hire anytime during a simulation.

Staff Administrator Decisions
Investment in Training - This slider allows the user to invest in a training program. Set it to a percentage which indicates what part of your staff will participate in this initiative. For example, setting it to 0.5 means 50% of your staff will be involved. Thus, 50% will not be involved in project activities for the next couple weeks and once they are back, this 50% will have a lower productivity due to their additional activities. Eventually, this investment should cause an increase in productivity.

Investment in Process - This slider allows the user to invest in a process design program. Set it to a percentage which indicates what part of your staff will participate in this initiative. For example, setting it to 0.5 means 50% of your staff will be involved. Thus, 50% will not be involved in project activities for the next couple weeks and once they are back, this 50% will have a lower productivity due to their additional activities. Eventually, this investment should cause an increase in productivity.

Technical Investment - This slider allows the user to invest in a technical upgrade of hardware or software. Set it to a percentage which indicates what part of your staff will participate in this initiative. For example, setting it to 0.5 means 50% of your staff will be involved. Thus, 50% will not be involved in project activities for the next couple weeks and once they are back, this 50% will have a lower productivity due to their additional activities. Eventually, this investment should cause an increase in productivity.

Investment in Measurement - This slider allows the user to invest in a measurement program. Set it to a percentage which indicates what part of your staff will participate in this initiative. For example, setting it to 0.5 means 50% of your staff will be involved. Thus, 50% will not be involved in project activities for the next couple weeks and once they are back, this 50% will have a lower productivity due to their additional activities. Eventually, this investment should cause an increase in productivity.

Cumulative Productivity is a measure which takes into account both the amount of finished product (DSI) and the level of production per employee. It is computed as follows:

Finished DSI / (.5 * (Development Productivity + Test Productivity) / 60 * TIME)

Primary Output Screen

The output screen which follows is what allows the user to follow the results of their decision making. Each of the sub graphs allows the user to folllow particular areas of sub-development.

Delivered Source Instruction Development and Testing

This diagram shows how the code moves through the system. Needed project code comes in through the door and resides in the DSI to be Coded bucket. Programmers write the code and it then moves into Coded & Unit Tested stock. The software is then integrated with other modules, and then moves on to testing. If it fails testing it moves back to be re-coded. If it passes testing, it is moved into finished.

Figure 3. Flow of Computer Code (Delivered Source Instructions)

This diagram shows a portion of those items which affect productivity. You can see some of the items affecting each of the types of productivity. These include schedule pressure, infrastructure effects (e.g. quality of computers), complexity of the task, and number in the work force.

Figure 4. Productivity Measures 

Traditional v. System Thinking
Hopefully this exercise will help you think more about how observing operations dynamically versus statically provides a superior viewpoint for decision making. The table below contrasts traditional ways of meeting challenges versus systems thinking.
Traditional                          Systems Thinking                      

Static Thinking - Focusing upon      Dynamic Thinking - Framing a problem  
particular events                    in terms of a pattern of behavior     
                                     over time                             

System-as-Effect Thinking - Viewing  Systems-as-Cause Thinking - Placing   
behavior generated by a system as    Responsibility for a Behavior on      
driven by external forces            internal actors who manage the        
                                     policies and plumbing of the system   

Tree by Tree - believing that        Forest Thinking - Believing that to   
really knowing something means       know something you must understand    
focusing upon the details            the context of relationships          

Specific Factors Thinking - Listing  Operational Thinking - Concentrate    
Factors that influence or are        on getting at causality and           
correlated with some result          understanding how a behavior is       
                                     actually generated                    

Straight Line Thinking - Viewing     Closed Loop Thinking - Viewing        
causality as only running one way,   causality as an ongoing process, not  
with each cause independent from     a one time event, with the effect     
all other causes                     feeding back to influence the         
                                     causes, and the causes affecting      
                                     each other.                           

Measurement Thinking - Searching     Quantitative - Accepting that you     
for perfectly measured data          can always quantify, although you     
                                     can't always measure                  

Proving Truth Thinking - Seeking to  Scientific Thinking - Recognizing     
prove models to be true by           that all models are working           
validating with historical data      hypotheses that always have limited   
Source: Richmond, Barry. "The Thinking in Systems Thinking: How Can We Make it Easier to Master." The Systems Thinker. Vol. 8 No. 2, March 1997.

Credits: The infrastructure of the ITOFS simulation was developed by Dr. Margaret Johnson of the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. It was enhanced and utilized with her permission by Dr. John Saunders. The concept of applying system dynamics to the information technology arena, especially software devlopment was developed by Dr. Tarek Abdel-Hamid while a doctoral student under the direction of  Professor Jay Forrester at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.