The CyberProtect Simulation


The simulation revolves around the purchase and application of information security countermeasures in a local area network environment. It takes place over 4 quarters. Each quarter you will need to make decisions about what resources/ countermeasures to purchase and put in place. You will record those decisions on a form. After making your decisions each quarter, you set the simulation in motion. You will be subject to a variety of security attacks. The following cycle is repeated four times, i.e. each quarter:


Purchase information security resources to apply to your network. See Exhibit A - The purchase sheet. You will be allocated 40,20,20,20 purchase units respectively over the four quarters.


Apply/install those resources. Drag and drop the countermeasures (See Exhibit B - Tools) you have purchased to specific locations on your network. See Exhibit C - The Network Diagram.


Experience attacks. These numbers and types of attacks are random; they come from outside and inside your organization. You may receive from one to six attacks each quarter. See Exhibit D - Types of attacks. The simulation will provide feedback to you on the nature and effects of the attack and whether you were successful in defense of your network.


Receive report indicating your performance level. You will receive a score sheet based upon how well you did in purchasing and applying resources to thwart the attacks.


To successfully complete the simulation, meeting your commander's goals, you will need to score a 90 or above. As in real world situations, there is good and bad fortune associated with the simulation. You may do very poorly in allocating your resources, yet through good fortune be subject to very few attacks, and therefore receive a final high score. On the other end of the spectrum, you may do a good job in allocating your resources, yet because you are attacked numerous times, your ending tally will look bad. And even with perfect "known" defenses, the enemy may still slip through.




Be sure to write down what you buy. Do this when you click on the purchase order.


You may wish to print out your results at the end of each quarter, but it is only required that you print out the results at the completion of all 4 quarters.




An update keeps your product current. This would be equivalent to buying/installing patches to make sure your software is current


An upgrade means you are changing the basic tool to a better version - moving from a Chevrolet to a Cadillac.


When you buy the user training, it applies to all the users. You don't need to buy user training for each user.


Where do each of the tools go on your network grid? - Refer to the sheet in your materials.