This web page consists of a listing of Internet information sources about Law, Politics, and Government
A listing of search engines about politics/government/law
Virtual Search Engines
The most popular Government Web Search Sites
WWW Virtual Library
A search engine of U.S. government information sources
A catalog of directories about law on the Internet
Counsel Quest
A premier internet legal research web tool
Embassy Web
Information from diplomatic web sites from around the world
Government Guide - LookSmart
 A comprhensive guide for government issues.
Government Information Xchange
Facilitates the assimilation, sharing and dissemination of information resources
among federal, state and local governments, and the American public
Government Resources on the Web
Extensive directory of government resources on the Internet
International Affairs Resources
Selected links related to international affairs topics
A information service in the fields of international relations and security
National Political Index
An index of substantive political information
Political Activism Resources
A comprehensive list of political web sites
Political Resources on the Net
Listings of political sites available on the Internet sorted by country
Political Science Research Resources
Information about political science resources
Political Science Resources
A gateway to the most significant resources relevant to political science
Political Science Virtual Library
Introduces some of the political science resources that are available on the internet
 Online resource of comprehensive links to US candidates and political parties
Links in the areas of political science, international affairs, and public policy
Project Vote Smart
 Information about U.S. federal and state government candidates
Public International Law
Links related to international law topics
Public Sector Continuous Improvement Site
Aims to help public sector employees improve their organizations
The Ultimate Political Science Links Page
Links to everything a political scientist will ever need
WWW Virtual Law Library
A searchable database of links to internet sites about law
Association of World Citizens
Building a Global Village
The Gaia Bella Project
Creating a Unified Planetary Society
The Grassroots World Government
Promotes a world law directly controlled by the will of the people
Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
Concerned with all aspects of public international law
Millennium People's Assembly Network
Advocates a global and Permanent People's Assembly
United Nations
An organization of sovereign nations

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