This web page consists of a listing of Internet information sources about the Environment

Best Environmental Directories  An index to envirnmental directories.

Conservation and Ecology Links  Information about artificial reefs, coral, diving, and fishing.

EnviroInfo  A compilation of useful Internet resources to environmental science and technology.

EnviroLink Library  A comprehensive resource of environmental information available on the internet.

Environmental Organization Web Directory  The largest exclusively environmental organization directory on the Web.

 Environmental Professional's Homepage  An information retrieval guide designed specifically for environmental consultants.

Environmental Research and Studies Center  A comprehensive environmental resource and links site.

Global Environmental Options  Comprehensive green design information resources on the Internet.

Global Environmental Policy Research Tools  Links to internet resources useful for research on global environmental policy.

Health, Environment & Work  Educational resources and information about environmental and occupational health.

Hydrology Web  Information to understand the complex water systems of the earth and to solve water problems.

Mining Co.  A guide to Ecology on the Internet.

The Natural Heritage Network  Data resources and an extensive index of web sites about conservation of  biodiversity.

Natural Resources Research Information Pages  An Internet resource guide for of natural resources.

NOAH  Information about environmental health.

NRM-changelinks  An online resource guide about sustainable natural resource management practices.

Pace Virtual Environmental Law Library  Index of environmental laws.

Sustainable Development and Latin America  A list of Internet websites with information on sustainable development in the Americas.

Tennessee Green  Links to environmental websites.

University Libraries  Environmental studies.

Urban Environmental Management  Resources on the Internet for Urban Environmental Management.

 Virtual Reference  The most popular Environmental locations and tools on the Web.

Web Guide - Yahoo!  A comprehensive guide of all Environmental issues.

WWW Virtual Library  A comprehensive list of internet sites dealing with sustainable development.


Common Purpose  Advocacy and coalition-building for identifying and implementing environmental and energy solutions.

Ejobs  Environmental jobs and careers.

Environmental Ethics  Internet resources about environmental ethics and environmental philosophy.

Environmental Protection Agency  Information and resources.

Globalaction.org  Promotes action for a healthy environment.

Global Environment & Technology Foundation  Promotes the development and use of innovative technology to achieve sustainable development.

Global Resource Bank  A clearinghouse for a sustainable global economy.

Habitat in Developing Countries  Provides information to researchers and professionals working for improvement in developing countries.

Internet Consumer Recycling Guide  A guide to information for recycling.

The International Corporate Environmental Reporting Site  Information about corporate environmental reporting (CER).

The International Institute for Sustainable Development  Helps decision-makers understand the principles of sustainable development and how to put them into practice.

National Association of Physicians for the Environment  Makes scientific information about health and the environment widely available.

Ocean98  A multi-national cooperative effort to accumulate joint action for the protection of the oceans.

Project Nature Connect  Hands-on information for connecting with nature.

SD Gateway  Integrates online information from a network of some of the leading sustainable development institutes.

Sustainability Project  A non-profit initiative to promote sustainability as a goal for Humanity.

Union of Concerned Scientists  Citizens and scientists working together for a healthy environment and a safe world.

United Nations Environment Programme  Mission to provide leadership and encourage partnerships in caring for the environment.

WasteLink  A guide to radioactive waste related material on the internet.

World Resources Institute  A center for policy research and technical assistance on global environmental and development issues.

Worldwatch Institute  Public policy research about the links between the world economy and the environment.


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