Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by for a visit.
This page has been created mainly as a list of useless and useful links.
If you
have any interesting links or information that might be useless enough to be included here
just send it to me. Have fun and don't hesitate to complain to me about dead links.
- The little brother Chester always wanted
CHESTER - RIP 10/8/2001
here for HTML and JAVA Reference
AD-600A DVD Player Secret Menu
Before you head out
here are your driving lessons!
Now that you can drive - drive
Find the way to where you want
to go!
If you still can't find your
way click here!
Click here for Darwin Awards info
Click here to go to the Erol's Internet home page
Shaggy's List of More Links
(more than 1....less than infinity)
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at:
shaggy@shaggycentral.netThere have been this many visitors: