Uzbek Fans

Keep yourself cool like the women on the Silk Road do!

Uzbekistan is dotted with roadside bazaars, full of silk-wrapped women who sit there all day, selling fruit and vegetables, eastern sweets, hot bread, and aromatic spices. Even in the shade of the markets, the sun bakes down at 100 degrees.

How do these women keep cool in the relentless heat? With a simple, effortless turn of the hand, they chill out with these simple fans made of fabric and wood, just as their ancestors did for centuries. I've adapted the traditional Uzbek design, and added some spiffy touches—a stamp here, a bead there. Take one for a spin—trust me, they're addictive!

Spinning fan, $10

This item is not yet available for general consumption. Hold tight, they‘re worth the wait...

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