ABATE is not ONLY about the Motorcycle Helmet Law.
Although it would sometimes appear that our main focus is repealing legislation that deals with helmet laws, ABATE is primarily concerned with Motorcyclists' Rights.

ABATE is about freedom:

ABATE is about education:

ABATE is about people:

JOIN ABATE because you are a concerned biker, a concerned citizen, a concerned parent or partner.
JOIN ABATE because you want your voice to be heard in government.
JOIN ABATE because you’re mad as hell and you don't want to take it anymore.
JOIN ABATE because you want to make a difference.
JOIN ABATE because you care.

Why should I join ABATE?
Why should I care?

"I'm not a joiner"
Do you know which assemblymen and senators are biker-friendly? Which ones that we want to keep in office to preserve your rights as a biker? Do you want information that will help you to make intelligent and informed decisions at the polls come Election Day? You can join the organization and never, ever participate, which is fine if you are "not a joiner." Just JOIN! Become one of the educated riders. Learn about the laws, the bills, and the issues that affect your riding freedom!

"I don't have the time"
ABATE will demand none of your time other than the time it takes to browse the newsletter each month, and the time it takes to vote. Of course, we would enjoy seeing your face at the meetings where we can talk about the latest set of after-market pipes, or where the next poker run is, or which legislator just tried to introduce another law that will affect your riding freedom. We would enjoy seeing you participate, helping the organization grow and flourish. Join with others in this grass-roots organization to promote motorcycle safety and awareness in your community. We would enjoy becoming your fellow-rider, activist, and friend.

"I'm not political"
All we ask is that you vote. Which you probably do anyway -- otherwise why are you still reading this?

"I just want to ride"
ABATE members just want to ride too. We want to ride safely, without limiting devices forced upon us under the false label of safety.

