Telescope CCD Images
Unless otherwise noted all images
courtesy of Mike Palermiti, Optical Consultant
here to see what can be done with the OA 3.6ATS and an inexpensive webcam!
Images with the VHT Astrofilter!
Click on an image to enlarge
OA-4.0 ™with 2.8x Barlow at F/30 Nikon D1 camera, 1/60 sec exposure |
Region to the left enlarged (same configuration) |
OA-4.0 ™with 2.8x Barlow at F/30 Nikon D1 camera, 1/30 sec exposure. All lunar images taken with instrument on unguided Dobsonian mount. |
This remarkable solar detail was captured using a full aperture solar film filter over the front of the OA-4.0 ™, a 12 mm Plossl eyepiece, and a Sony Camcorder (handheld). |
Orion region taken with the ITE, 130mm Off Axis Newtonian telescope (manufactured by DGM Optics ™) SBIG ST8E CCD camera at f/5.4 utilizing a field reducer/corrector. Exposure time: 30 seconds. |
OA-9.0 Owner Bob Fandrich captured this image of the "Straight Wall". |