Dentistry for Health

The Newspage

The Newspage will address recent topics in the press. I will try to provide references when possible and I will attempt to keep a file of the original sources. Once again topics will include dentistry, nutrition, health, and health fraud. Your suggestions will be welcomed at .

Washington Post Health Section- Tuesday August 19, 1997, page 7.

The article summarizes some of the revised guidelines for nutrient intake(The RDA or recommended dietary allowances). Particular attention is paid to the calcium requirement which has been increased most notably. The elderly are encouraged to consume 1200 mg. calcium per, a 400 mg. increase. Nine to thirteen year old kids should consume 1300 mg. per day.

All of this is well and good except that very few were meeting the old guidelines! I will liberally borrow from the article and provide a list of some calcium sources and the milligrams of calcium therein.

Food Calcium Comment
Low fat yogurt

8 ounces

400mg. Try sticking to fat free.
Calcium fortified

fruit juice - 8 oz.

300mg. Good choice. No dairy


Skim milk

8 ounces.

300mg. Lactaid in bottles or

tablets for lactose intolerant.

Cheddar cheese

1 slice or 1 oz.

204mg. Regular:110calories-90 from

fat. Think fat free.

Canned salmon

3 oz.

203mg You gotta eat the bones!

Think skinless.

Ice Cream

4 oz.

84mg. Okay as an occasional treat.

This is a fat source, not a Ca. source!

Ice Milk 138mg A better calcium source and only

2 mg fat per serving.


4 oz. container

100mg Okay lunch treat for kids. Still a fat


Cottage cheese

4 oz. 1% fat

69mg. Makes me wonder- Is it worth this

much trouble?


1/2 cup

36 mg. Only 17 cups per day to reach your

goals. A good bonus for a good veggie.


10 sprigs

30mg. Salad fixings.
Low fat cream cheese

1 tbsp.

12 mg. Use instead of butter for a lower fat

spread with a bonus.

Calcium is one of the few nutrients I frequently advise supplementing. Antacids and tablets can benefit those unwilling to eat to the guidelines. However food sources are more reliable in providing a bioavailable calcium - in other words calcium the body can actually utilize.

One of the major consequences of calcium deficiency is susceptibility to osteoporosis, a potentially devastating disease affecting many of the elderly. Increasing bone density in youth and young adlulthood can reduce the loss of bone that often accompanies aging.

Parents should be urged to encourage milk and fortified juice intake in their children. Sodas have a calcium depleting tendency because of their high phosphoric acid content.

Refer throughout this website in the future for other insights on osteoporosis, supplementation, and nutritional advice.

Journal of the American Dental Association August 1997

The premedication guidelines for those with heart murmers, replaced heart valves, and mitral valve prolapse have been revised. Good news: fewer horse pills for fewer procedures. Please call or e-mail for the new guidelines!

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H. Jeffrey Orbach, D.D.S.,M.S.
4701 Randolph Road Suite 210
Rockville, Maryland 20852
(301) 340-6280

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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