© Craig R. Hutchinson, 20 April 2006



1The greatest thought?I, Ego, God.
2The greatest mystery?Reality, Death.
3The greatest puzzle?Existence, Truth, Life.
4The greatest need?Rationality, Common Sense.
5The meanest feeling of which any human being is capable?Feeling bad at another's success.
6The best teacher?One who makes you want to learn.
7The most disagreeable person?The complainer.
8The cleverest person?One who always does what they think is right.
9The cheapest, stupidist and easiest thing to do?Moral neutrality, Finding fault.
10The most expensive indulgence?Hate, Humility.
11The greatest mistake?Giving up.
12The greatest comfort?The knowledge that you have done your work well.
13The greatest secret of production?Saving waste.
14The most agreeable companion?One who would not have you any different from what you are.
15The greatest invention of the devil?Altruism, War.
16The greatest sin?Refusal to think, Fear
17The best play?Work.
18The best work?What you like.
19The best day?Today.
20The best town?Where you succeed.
21The greatest thing, (experience) bar none in all the world?Your Life, To own your life and to spend it on growing, Love


1What is it that one can not lose?What you do not have. A man knows that there are no conflicts of interests among rational men even in the issue of love. Like any other value, love is not a static quantity to be divided, but an unlimited response to be earned.The love for one friend is not a threat to the love for another, and neither is the love for the various members of one's family, assuming they have earned it.The most exclusive form -- romantic love -- is not an issue of competition. If two men are in love with the same woman, what she feels for either of them is not determined by what she feels for the other and is not taken away from him.If she chooses one of them, the 'loser' could not have had what the 'Winner' has earned. You can not lose what you do not have.
2The first right on earth?The right of the ego.
3Man's moral obligation?To do what he wishes provided his wish does not depend primarily upon other men.
4The content of all the altruistic moral codes?Just so much paper money put out by swindlers to fleece people of their virtues.
5What is 'asking you to take me on faith'?Committing a contemptible act.
6A senseless accident?Suffering.
7What is morality?Judgement to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, integrity to stand by the good at any price.
8Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, why do you check your premises?Contradictions do not exist by the essence and nature of existence.
9A weapon one uses in order to act?Thought: the tool by which one makes a choice.
10A stranglehold on men by means of jobs and on management by means of workers?A workers union.
11What is evil?To wish without moving, to move without aim.
12Altruism's one unforgivable sin?Being proud of your wealth.
13The hallmark of the second-rater?Resentment of another man's achievement
14A virtue of the mind?Ingenuity.
15The ultimate ugliness?Abandoning the will to act.
16World's motive power and core?Man's greatness, his Mind.
17Your first question?By what right, by what code, by what standard.
18An effect and an expression of a man's sense of his own value?Sex.
19An act that forces you to stand naked in spirit as well as in body and to accept your real ego as your standard of value?Sex.
20Your only love, the only value to live for and serve?Human ability.
21The purpose, the sanction, and the meaning of life?The work of achieving one's happiness.


1Supreme and ruling values of man's life?Reason -- Purpose -- Self-esteemReason, as his only tool of knowledge.Purpose, as his choice of the happiness which that tool must proceed to achieve.Self-esteem, as his inviolate certainty that his mind is competent to think and his person is worthy of happiness, which means: is worthy of living.
2Man's virtues (Pertaining to the relation of existence and consciousness)Rationality -- Independence -- Integrity -- Honesty -- Justice -- Productiveness -- Pride
3RationalityThe recognition of the fact that existence exists, that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it, which is thinking.A short-circuit destroying the mind? --- Faith, the alleged short-cut to knowledge.Our unreserved commitment to perceive reality to the best of our ability, a commitment to being conscious - an acceptance of reason as the ultimate arbiter and guide in matters of knowledge, values, and action.
4IndependenceThe recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgment and nothing can help you escape it. Reliance upon one's own mind and judgement, the acceptance of intellectual responsibility for one's own existence.The vilest form of self-abasement and self-destruction? -- The subordination of your mind to the mind of another, the acceptance of an authority over your brain, the acceptance of his assertions as facts, his say-so as truth,his edicts as middle-man between your consciousness and your existence.
5IntegrityThe recognition of the fact that you cannot fake your consciousness, just as honesty is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake existence -- that courage and confidence are practical necessities.Loyalty in action to the judgement of one's consciousness. Courage --- The practical form of being true to existence, of being true to the truth. Confidence -- The practical form of being true to one's own consciousness.
6HonestyThe recognition of the fact that the unreal is unreal and can have no value, that neither love nor fame nor cash is a value if obtained by fraud.Most profoundly selfish virtue man can practice --- His refusal to sacrifice the reality of his own existence to the deluded consciousness of others.The refusal to seek values by faking reality, by evading the distinction between the real and the unreal.
7JusticeThe recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature, that you must judge all men as conscientiously as you judge inanimate objects, with the same respect for truth,with the same incorruptible vision, by as pure and as rational a process of identification. Moral counterfeiting -- To withold your contempt from men's vices. Moral embezzlement -- To withhold your admiration from men's virtues.The pracitce of identifying men for what they are, and treating them accordingly -- of rewarding the actions and traits of character in men which are pro-life and condemning those which are anti-life.
8ProductivenessYour acceptance of morality, your recognition of the fact that you choose to live.The act of supporting one's existence by translating one's thought into reality, of setting one's goals and working for their achievement, of bringing knowledge or goods into existence.
9PrideThe recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and, like all of man's values, pride has to be earned.Moral ambitiousness -- The dedication to achieving one's highest potential, in one's character and in one's life -- and the refusal to be sacrificial fodder for the goals of others.Products of the premises held by your mind -- your character, your actions, your desires, your emotions.
10Man's only moral commandmentThou shalt think. A contradiction in terms. The moral is the chosen not the forced; the understood, not the obeyed. The moral is the rational, and reason accepts no commandments.
11Morality of reason's single axiomExistence exists -- and in a single choice: to live.
12A short-circuit destroying the mind?Faith, the alleged short-cut to knowledge


1What is the cumulative product of the choices a man makes?Man is a being of self-made soul -- His sense of himself -- His implicit concept or image of the kind of person he is (including his self-esteem or lack of it).
2What is one of your most precious possessions?Your moral-intellectual sanction, and, according to how and when you grant or withhold it, one of your most powerful weapons.
3What is the greatest pleasures that man can offer himself?Pride, the pleasure he takes in his own achievements and in the creation of his own character.The pleasure he takes in the character and achievements of another human being is that of admiration.The highest expression of the most intense union of these two responses - pride and admiration - is romantic love. Its celebration is sex.
4What is the foundation of all human relationships?Human beings desire and need the experience of self-awareness that results from perceiving the self as an objective existent.They are able to achieve this experience through interaction with the consciousness of other living beings.
5What are two profoundly personal, selfish values?Love and friendship. Love is an expression and assertion of self-esteem, a response to one's own values in the person of another.One gains a profoundly personal, seflfish joy from the mere existence of the person one loves.It is one's own personal, selfish happiness that one seeks, earns and derives from love.
6What is Love?Love is the expression of one's values.The greatest reward you can earn for the moral qualities you have achieved in your character and person.The emotional price paid by one person for the joy received from the virtues of another.
7What is the essence of love?Selfishness. It would hardly be a compliment to tell a person we love that his or her well-being and happiness are not of selfish interest to us.To love is to see myself in you and to wish to celebrate myself with you; this is hardly unselfish.
8What is the essence of authentic friendship and above all romantic love?A projection of mutual visibility. Its precondition is a significant mutuality of intellect, of basic premises and values, and of a fundamental attitude toward life.
9What is the great compliment of love?To declare to another human being that his or her happiness is of selfish importance to ourselves.To love selfishly does not mean to be indifferent to the needs or interests of the partner. When we love, our concept of our self-interest expands to embrace the well-being of our partner.
10What is the greatest reward of mans life?Love as the expression of philosophy -- of a subconscious philosophical sum.When philosophy is called upon to verify and support an emotional appraisal, when love is a conscious integration of reason and emotion, of mind and values.No other aspect of human existence needs the conscious power of philosophy quite so desperately.
11On what grounds is a sexual relationship proper?Only on the grounds of the highest values one can find in a human being.Sex must not be anything other than a response to values.That is why promiscuity is immoral, Not because sex is evil, but because sex is two good and to important.
12What is the key to happiness?The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making them come true.


1The right to life?The right to pursue values, as survival requires.
2The right to liberty?The right to think and act on his or her judgement.
3The right to property?The right to work for the achievement of his or her values and to keep the results.
4The right to the pursuit of happiness?The right to live for his or her sake, to choose and work for personal goals.
5Man's ruling values?Reason, Purpose, Self-esteem.
6A man's most important creation and highest value?His soul, his psychological self.
7The standard of your values?Your life.
8Man's basic virtue?Thinking.
9Man's basic vice?Refusing to think.
10Moral perfection?Unbreached rationality.
11The most profoundly selfish of all acts?Sex.
12The only sin on earth?To do things badly.
13The root of goodwill?Respect.
14The first rule?One must always see for oneself.
15The greatest wealth?To own your life and to spend it on growing.


1The root of all good?Money.
2The product of your virtue?Money -- it will not give you virtue or redeem your vice nor will it give you the unearned in matter or spirit.
3The root of money?Men who produce. The moral principle of a token of honor -- Your claim upon the energy of men who produce.
4What is money?A tool of exchange. The material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Made possible only by the men who produce. (Is this evil?)
5Money's foundation axiom?Every man is the owner of his mind and his effort.
6Money's demand?You sell not your weakness to men's stupidity, but your talent to their reason. You buy not the shoddiest they offer, but the best that your money can find.
7Your only weapons?To pay for what you want, giving value for value; to ask nothing of nature without trading effort in return; to ask nothing of men without trading the product of your effort.
8Your statement of hope that somewhere in the world around you there are men who will not default on their token of honor?Your wallet.
9What is the root of production?Man's mind -- the root of all the goods produced and of all the wealth that has ever existed on earth.
10The product of man's capacity to think?Wealth --- Money is made before it can be looted or mooched by the effort of every honest man, each to the extent of his ability.
11One who knows that he can't consume more than he has produced?The honest man.
12The code of the men of good will?To trade by means of money.
13Man's common bond?The exchange of goods, not the exchange of suffering.
14The code of existence whose tool and symbol is money?Trade. When men live by trade -- with reason, not force as their final arbiter -- it is the best product that wins, the best performance, the man of best judgement and highest ability.
15The degree of man's reward?The degree of man's productiveness.
16The men who live by force, yet count on those who live by trade to create the value of their looted money?Hitchhikers of virtue.
17What is a country of money?A country of reason, justice, freedom, production, achievement.


1A weapon one uses in order to act?Thought: the tool by which one makes a choice.
2One's deepest secret?That which has the power to give one joy.
3The price of admission to Heaven?Virtue.
4The greatest virtue of all?That I was a man who made money.
5The most depraved type of human being?The man without a purpose?
6Your only importance in life and the only measure of human value?How well you do your work.
7The only system of morality that's on a gold standard?The code of competence.
8What is possible only to those who regard sex and themselves as evil?Indiscriminate desire and unselective indulgence.
9Your foremost duty?The constant, clearest and most ruthless functioning of man's rational faculty.
10A virtue of the mind?Ingenuity.
11What is morality?Judgement to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, integrity to stand by the good at any price.
12What is not begging -- standing on what one has to offer, giving value for value?Business.
13Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, why do you check your premises?Contradictions do not exist by the essence and nature of existence.
14What is evil?To wish without moving, to move without aim.
15Your only weapons?To pay for what you want, giving value for value; to ask nothing of nature without trading effort in return; to ask nothing of men without trading the product of your effort.
16More evil than a closed heart to pity?The man who uses another's pity for him as a weapon
17The root of money?Men who produce. The moral principle of a token of honor -- Your claim upon the energy of men who produce.


1Man's highest moral purpose?The achievement of his own happiness.
2What is moral ambitiousness; a dedication to achieving our highest potential, in our character and in our life, a refusal to be sacrificial fodder for the goals of others.Pride (as a virtue rather than as an emotion).
3A man without a purpose?Human depravity.
4The Greatest Crime?Ascribing futility to the wonderful fact of existence and seeking justification beyond oneself.
5The meaning of 'Judge not, that ye be not judged'?A moral blank check one gives to others in exchange for a moral blank check one expects for oneself.
6The motive power of mens actions?Moral values.
7The necessity of moral neutrality?A progressive sympathy for vice and a progressive antagonism to virtue.
8The product of your premises?Your character.
9The only desire one can really permit oneself?Freedom. To ask nothing, to expect nothing, to depend on nothing.
10A law of survival?To seek the best.
11The root of every despicable action?Absence of self.
12The cardinal evil?Placing your prime concern within other men.
13The basest of creatures?Persons who enslaves themselves voluntarily in the name of love.
14Man's first duty?To himself.
15Man's moral law?Never to place his prime goal within the person of others.
16The aim and the core of existence?Joy.


1The one fundamental alternative in the universe pertaining to living organisms?Existence or non-existence.
2The constant alternative faced by a living organism?Life or death.
3The only price man must pay for survival?Reason.
4The creative power revolutionizing the world?Individualism.
5What three conditions are necessary for man to be in control of his own existence and to achieve -- psychologically and in external reality -- a human state of life and civilization?The acceptance of the supremacy of reason; freedom; and a reatonal code of moral principles to guide his actions.
6A code of values accepted by choice?A code of morality.
7The concept that makes value (good or evil) possible?Life.
8Evil?All that which destroys life.
9Good?All that which is proper to the life of a rational being.
10Value?That which one acts to gain and/or to keep.
11Standard of value?Man's life (man's survival qua man).
12Man's highest moral purpose?The achievement of his own happiness.
13The right to the pursuit of happiness?The right to live for his or her sake; to choose and work for personal goals.
14A necessity of man's survival?Production of material goods, wealth.
15What condition of existence is necessary for production?Freedom.
16Who produces wealth?The men of ability.
17What faculity makes the production of wealth possible?Man's mind, human intelligence.
18Capitalism?A market instead of a gun, production instead of extortion, ability instead of brutality, man's capacity for furthering life instead of inflicting death.


1The meaning of 'Judge not, that ye be not judged'?A moral blank check one gives to others in exchange for a moral blank check one expects for oneself.
2The motive power of mens actions?Moral values.
3The product of your premises?Your character.
4The only desire one can really permit oneself?Freedom. To ask nothing, to expect nothing, to depend on nothing.
5A law of survival?To seek the best.
6The root of every despicable action?Absence of self.
7The cardinal evil?Placing your prime concern within other men.
8Your obligation?I recognize no obligation toward men except one. To respect their freedom and to take no part in a slave society.
9The basest of creatures?Persons who enslaves themselves voluntarily in the name of love.
10Man's first duty?To himself.
11A looter's slogan?Public Welfare.
12The aim and the core of existence?Joy.
13One's deepest secret?That which has the power to give one joy.
14The price of admission to Heaven?Virtue.
15The greatest virtue of all?That I was a man who made money.
16Your only importance in life and the only measure of human value?How well you do your work.
17The only system of morality that's on a gold standard?The code of competence.
18Your foremost duty?The constant, clearest and most ruthless functioning of man's rational faculty.
19What is not begging -- standing on what one has to offer, giving value for value?Business.


1A necessitty of man's survival?Production of material goods, wealth.
2What faculity makes the production of wealth possible?Man's mind, human intelligence.
3Who produces wealth?The men of ability.
4What condition of existence is necessary for production?Freedom.
5What three conditions are necessary for man to be in control of his own existence and to achieve -- psychologically and in external reality -- a human state of life and civilization?The acceptance of the supremacy of reason; freedom; and a rational code of moral principles to guide his actions.
6The creative power revolutionizing the world?Individualism.
7The ruling principle of human relationships?Trade, intellectual freedom, and economic freedom.
8Capitalism?A market instead of a gun, production instead of extortion, ability instead of brutality, man's capacity for furthering life instead of inflicting death.
9Value?That which one acts to gain and/or to keep.
10The one fundamental alternative in the universe pertaining to living organisms?Existence or non-existence.
11The constant alternative faced by a living organism?Life or death.
12The concept that makes value (good or evil) possible?Life.
13Upon what does man's life depend?His ability to think.
14For a human being the question to be or not to be means what?To think or not to think.
15A code of values accepted by choice?A code of morality.
16Standard of value?Man's life (man's survival qua man).
17Good?All that which is proper to the life of a rational being.
18Evil?All that which destroys life.
19What metaphysially is the human mode of existence?To live, man must think, he must act, he must produce the values his life requi res.
20The only price man must pay for survival?Reason.


1What is love?To love a thing is to know and love its nature, to love life is to know and love the nature of life.Since life is a process of self-sustaining action, this means: to love the process of self-sustaining action - to love the thought, the effort, the struggle, the challenges that such action entails.
2What is love?Once you've felt what it means to love -- the total passion for the total height -- you're incapable of anything less.
3How does man love?When we love something it is of value to us, and when something is of value to us we spend time with it, time enjoing it and time taking care of it.
4What is Romantic love?Not a myth, waiting to be discarded, but, for most of us, a discovery, waiting to be born.Love is our emotional (judgement, evaluation or action tendency) to that which we value highly.Autonomy vs conformity -- Self expression vs self repudiation -- self creation vs self anihilation.
5What is Romantic love?Love is the highest, the most intense, expression of the assessment 'for me' 'good for me,' 'beneficial to my life.'
6What does love represent?Love represents a disposition to experience the loved being as the embodiment of profoundly important personal values - and as a consequence, a real or potential source of joy.Do not confuse love with loneliness, neediness, transitory physical attraction, fantasy, wish fulfillment, affection, gratitude, and even the comradeship of mutual contempt.To say 'I love you', one must first know how to say the 'I'
7What does love represent?Do not confuse love with loneliness, neediness, transitory physical attraction, fantasy, wish fulfillment, affection, gratitude, and even the comradeship of mutual contempt.
8What is Love?The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual (mind) growth.
9With whom does a man cultivate romantic love with and sexually desire?The person who reflects his own deepest values.
10What is the highest good?The good of the individual.
11What is often called upon to perform that same psychological function which is performed, for persons of a different psychology, by prayer or alchohol, or tranquilizers?Sex without personal involement. The sexual act has a different meaning for the person whose desire is fed by pride and admiration, to whom the pleasurable self-experience it affords is an end in itself --and for the person who seeks in sex the proof of masculinity (or femininity) or the amelioration of despair, or a defense against anxiety or an excuse from boredom.
12What is the highest compliment one can be paid by another human being?To be told: Because of what you are, you are essential to my happiness.
13In terms of human suffering what is one of the most evil consequences of mysticism?The belief that love is a matter of the heart, not the mind, that love is blind and impervious to the power of philosophy.
14What happens when love is divorced from values?The love becomes, not a tribute, but a moral blankcheck: a promise that one will be forgiven anything, that one will not be abandoned, that one will be taken care of.
15What is the most absurd notion about love?Of all the nonsense written about love, none is more absurd than the notion that ideal love is selfless.What I love is the embodiment of my values in another person; properly understood, love is a profound act of self-assertion.
16What does a love relationship require to be sustained, like every other value in life?Consciousness, Courage, Knowledge, and Wisdom.
17Where do blind choices prevail?It is only among the irrational, emotion-motivated persons, whose love is divorced from any standards of value, that chance rivalries, accidental conflicts and blind choices prevail.But then, whoever wins, does not win much. Among the emotion-driven, neither love nor any other emotion has any meaning.
18What is Love?Love is reverence, and worship and glory and the upward glance. Not a bondage for dirty sores.Those who speak of love most promiscuously are the ones who've never felt it.They make some sort of feeble stew out of sympathy, compassion, contempt and general indifference, and they call it love.
19Who should you never marry?A person who is not a friend of your dreams, growth, and excitement.
20What is Love?Reverence, worship, glory, exaultation, admiration, esteem, pride, loyalty, honor, respect, desire, or a counterfeit check written on bankrupt values, a feeble stew made out of forgiveness, pity, sympathy, compassion, contempt, indifference.


1Rationality?The unreserved commitment to the perception of reality, to the acceptance of reason as an absolute, as one's only guide to knowledge, values and action.
2Independence?Reliance upon one's own mind and judgement; the acceptance of intellectual responsibility for one's own existence.
3Integrity?Loyalty in action to the judgement of one's consciousness.
4Honesty?The refusal to seek values by faking reality, by evading the distinction between the real and the unreal.
5Justice?The practice of identifying men for what they are, and treating them accordingly -- of rewarding the actions and traits of character in men which are pro-life and condemning those which are anit-life.
6Productiveness?The act of supporting one's existence by translating one's thought into reality, of setting one's goals and working for their achievement, of bringing knowledge or goods into existence.
7Pride?Moral ambitiousness, the dedication to achieving one's highest potential, in one's character and in one's life -- and the refusal to be sacrificial fodder for the goals of others.
8Man's deepest fear?Feeling unfit to live, inadequate to face the challenges of life, unworthy of existence.
9A man's most important creation and highest value?His soul, his psychological self.
10The root of goodwill?Respect.
11The highest achievement possible to man?The purposeful, disciplined use of his intelligence.
12The degree of a man's hatred for reason?The measure of his hatred for himself.
13The most selfish human faculty?Reason.
14The essence of morality?A dedication to awareness, a policy of acting in accordance with one's awareness, if man's life and happiness are the standard and purpose of virtue.
15The basic good that makes all other goods possible?Awareness.
16The cardinal principle of life and mind?Integration.
17The foundations of morality on the psychological level?Self-awareness, Self-acceptance, Self-responsibility, Self-Assertiveness.
18The ultimate human encounter?The relationship of the 'I' to the 'Me', of the ego to the self.
19The root of most evil?Absence of self.
20The integrated sum of self confidence and self respect?Self esteem.
21The reputation we acquire with ourselves?Self esteem.
22The root of virtue?Thinking (mental health).
23The right to life?The right to live and pursue values, as survival requires.


1A strong sense of personal identity is the product of what two things?A policy of independent thinking -- and, as a consequence, the possession of an integrated set of values.
2The Root of all Evil?Evasion.
3What are the primary institutions for relationships and justice?Reality (Life/Death) - Parents (Discipline) - Playmates (Social/Etiquette) - School - Church (Religion) - Government (Police/Courts) - Organizations (Roberts Rules of Order) - Reality (Life/Death)
4What does Individualism uphold?Ethicpolitically individualism upholds the supremacy of individual rights, the principle that a human being is an end in himself, not a means to the ends of others and that the proper goal of life is self-relization or self-fulfillment.Ethicopsychologically that a human being should think and judge independently, respecting nothing more than the sovereignty of his or her mind.
5What is love?Love is our emotinal response to that which we value highly.It is the experience of joy in the existence of the loved object, joy in proximity, and joy in inteaction or involvement.To love is to delight in the being whom one loves, to experience pleasure in that being's presence, to find gratification or fulfillment in contact with that being.We experience the loved person as a source of fulfillment for profuoudly important needs. (Br83p94)
6What is the second highest complement one can be paid by another human being?To live successfully is to put ourselves into the world, to give expression to our thoughts, values, and goals. Because of what you are, you are essential to my expression.
7The Root of all Evil?Evasion.
8A no choice necessity?To integrate your observations, your experiences, your knowledge into abstract ideas, i.e. principles.
9Moral ambitiousness; a dedication to achieving our highest potential, in our character and in our life, and a refusal to be sacrificial fodder for the goals of others?Pride (as a virtue rather than as an emotion)
10Your only choice?To integrate your principles, i.e. determine whether your principles are true or false, rational or irrational, consistent or contradictory.
11What integrates your principles?Philosophy.
12What is a philosophy system?An integrated view of existence.
13How do you integrate your principles and define your philosophy?By a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought and scrupulously logical deliberation -- or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans,unidentified wishes, doubts and fears, thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious into a kind of mongrel philosophy and fused into a single, solid weight: self-doubt, like a ball and chain in the place where your mind's wingsshould have grown.
14The key to human nature?Man is a being of volutional consciousness.
15The fundamental force shaping every man and culture. The science that guides men's conceptual faculty?Philosophy.
16What are the five branches of philosophy?Metaphysics -- Epistemology -- Ethics -- Politics -- Esthetics
17What is Esthetics?The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of art and defines the standards by which an art work shoudl be judged.
18The precondition and the goal of the cult of moral grayness?Escape from reality
19What is Epistomology?The branch of philosophy that studies the nature and means of human knowledge.
20A mixed economy?An amoral war of pressure groups devoid of principles, values or any reference to justice. A war whose ultimate weapon is the power of brute force, but whose outward form is a game of compromise.
21What is Ethics?The branch of philosophy that provides a code of values to guide human choices and actions.
22What is Politics?The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of a social system and defines the proper functions of government.
23What is Metaphysics?The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the universe as a whole.
24Your first axiom?Existence exists.
25What is consciousness?The faculty of perceiving that which exists. Its function is not to create or control existence, but to be a spectator: to look out, to perceive, to grasp that which is.
26The deadliness of second handers?No concern for facts, ideas, or work.
27Your second axiom?You exist possessing consciousness. (The faculity of perceiving that which exists.)
28Your third axiom?To possess identity (To have a nature, to be something.)
29The worst second hander of all?The man who goes after power
30What is identity?The identity of an existent means that which it is, the sum of its attributes or characteristics be it an object, attribute or an action.


01/01What is love?To love is to value. Love, properly, is the consequence and expression of admiration; the emotional price paid by one man for the joy he receives from the virtues of another. Love is not alms, but a moral tribute. As an orientation, love represents a disposition to experience the loved being as the embodiment of profoundly important personal values - and, as a consequence, a real or potential source of joy.
01/02A no choice necessity?To integrate your observations, your experiences, your knowledge into abstract ideas, i.e. principles.
01/03What are the three axiomatic concepts recognized by the phlosophy of objectivisim?Existence -- Identity -- Consciousness.
01/04The greatest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind?Altruism -- the sacrifice of self to others. This tied man irrevocably to other men and left him nothing but a choice of pain: his own borne for the sake of others or pain inflicted on others for the sake of himself. When it was added that man must find joy in self immolation; the trap was closed. Man was forced to accept masochism as his ideal -- under the threat that sadism was his only alternative.
01/05What is inherent in the grasp of any object?There is (existence) something (identity) I am aware of (consciousness).
01/06AltruismAs an ethical principle holds that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the moral justification of his existence, that self-sacrifice is his foremost duty and highest virtue.
01/07What is the validation of axioms?Sense perception.
01/08Scientific EthicsA code of moral values based, not on revelation or subjective whim or social tradition, but on man's nature as a living being.
01/09What is the root of the various magical world views?A contradiction of the self-evident by not consistently adhering to the axioms and typically fall into some form of contradicting the self evident, as in the vaious magical world views which (implicitly) deny the law of identity.
01/10That which can have needs, goals, values and that can generate the actions necessary to achieve thema living entity
01/11What is cognition?Sensation (Entity) -- Perception (Identity) -- Abstraction (Unit)
01/12The foundation of all knowledge?Existence -- Identity -- Consciousness.
01/13The foundation of all knowledge?Existence -- Identity -- Consciousness.
01/14What are the philosophers' categories of an entities being?Qualities (red or hard), quantities (5 inches or six pounds), relationships (right of), actions (walking of digesting).
01/15What is the law of causality (cause and effect)?A universal law of reality. Identity applied to action. All actions are caused by entities. The nature of an action is caused and determined by the nature of the entities that act; a thing cannot act in contradiction to its nature.
01/16What does the validation of the law of causality rest on?Every entity has a nature (identity); it is specific, noncontradictory, limited; it has certain attributes and no other. Such an entity must act in accordance with its nature.
01/17What is the law of causality (cause and effect)?A corollary of identity. A corollary is a self-evident implication of already established knowledge.
01/18The most depraved type of human being?The man without a purpose?
01/19What is the essence of metaphysics of metaphysics?The step-by-step development of the corollaries of the existence axiom.
01/20What does the law of causality (a fact independent of consciousness) state?Entities are the cause of actions. Order, lawfulness, regularity, do not derive from a cosmic consciousness. Cause and effect is part of the fabric of reality as such. Causality - for Objectivism as for Aristotelianism - is a law inherent in being qua being. To be is to be something - and to be somethig is to act accordingly.
01/21Who casued causality? Who created the universe?Existence exists. (It is reality. As such, its elements are uncreated and eternal, and its laws, immutable.)
01/22What is a fundamental principle to the metaphysics of objectivism?Primacy of existence. Things (entities) are what they are independent of consciousness.
01/23What is the 'primacy of consciousness'?The principle that consciousness is the primary metaphysical factor. The function of consciousness is not perception, but creation of that which is.
01/24What are the three prevalent versions of the 'primacy of consciousness', distinguished by the answer to the question: upon whose consciousness is existence dependent?Supernaturalistic version, Plato - Hume axis. Existence is a product of a cosmic consciousness, God. Epistomologically this variant leads to mysticism, the relegious view. Social version, Kant - Hegelian axis. The secularization of the religious viewwhere existence is dependent on society. Epistomologically this leads to collective surveys, a kind of group introspection or group consensus among thinkers. Personal version. Protagoras. Mans own consciousness controls existence, existence is a product of man's urges. Epistemologically there are no standards of data of any kind to which a person must conform, where it is truth for me versus truth for you.
01/25What is mysticims?Knowledge is said to rest on communications from the Supreme Mind to the human, whether in the form of revelations sent to select individuals or of ideas implanted, innately or ohterwise, throughout the species.
01/26What is objectivism?Ayn Rands philosophy in which the primacy of existence comes to full systematic expression in Western thought for the first time.
01/27The only form of human depravity?The man without a purpose.
01/28What are metaphysically facts?Reality. As such, they are not subject to anyone's appraisal, they are not ture or false, 'they simply are', 'it' simply 'is'; they must be accepted without evaluation.
01/29How must facts of reality be greeted?Not by approval or condemnation, praise or blame, but by a silent nod of acquiescence, amounting to the affirmation: 'They are, were, will be, and have to be.'
01/30How does man determine truth or falsehood of his judgements?By whether they correspond to or contradict the facts of reality.
01/31What is the standard of right or wrong?The metaphysically given; by which a (rational) man judges his goals, his values, his choices.
02/01What must be judged?Man made facts. Because they are products of choice, based on the rational and irrational.
02/02What is the attempt to alter tne metaphphysical given?The fallacy of rewriting reality. A common version is heaven by those who condemn life because man is capable of failure, frustration, pain, and who yearn instead for a world in which man knows nothing but happiness, and does not die.
02/03What is the historical root of the fallacy of rewriting reality?Religion - specifically, in the idea that the universe wass created by a supernatural Omnip0tence, who could have creatd things differently and who can alter them if He chooses. Christianity invites such wishing, which it describes as the virtue of 'hope' and the duty of 'prayer.' By the nature of existence nothing is posible except what actuall is. The concept of omnipotence is logically incompatible with the law of identity (aciom); it is one or the other.
02/04What is a necessary condition for sucessful action?Respect for reality, the refusal to evade or rewrite facts.
02/05More evil than a closed heart to pity?The man who uses another's pity for him as a weapon
02/06Where does the fundamental theory of a 'mind-body conflict' or dichotomy come from?From a conflict with reality. The rejection of the absolutism of reality where the conscious mental set is reversed.. Where one expects existence to obey wishes and then discovers that existence does not obey. From my dream vs. the actual which thwarts it; or the inner vs. the outer; or value vs. fact; or the moral vs. the practical, the spiritual relm vs. the material relm.
02/07What has corrupted every branch and issue of philosophy?The theory of a mind-body conflict.
02/08What is the real root of the theory of a mind body conflict?Its root is a breach between some men's consciousness and existence. In this sense, the basis of the theory is not reality, but a human error: the error of turning away from reality, of refusing to accept the absolutism of the metaphysically given.
02/09What are two outstanding falsehoods in the history of metaphysics?Idealism and materialsm.
02/10What is idealism?The Idealists (Plato, Plotinus, Augustine, Hegel) regard reality as a spiritual dimension transcending and controlling the world of nature. Since 'spiritual' has no meaning other than 'pertaining to consciousness'' the content of true reality in this view is invariably some function or form of consciousness (e.g. Plato's abstractions, Augustine's God, Hegel's Ideas). Idealism amounts to the primacy of consciusness and thus to the advocacy of consciousness without existence. Epistomologically idealists are mystics, mystics of the spirit. They hold that knowledge (of true reality) derives not from sense perception or from reasoning based on it, but from an outerworldly source such as revelation or the equivalent. The more sophisticated versions rest on technical analyses of the nature of percepts or concepts. The unsophisticated but popular version of idealism, which typically upholds a personalized other dimension, is religion.
02/11One permanent victory of pain?Making one lose the desire for joy
02/12What is essential to all versions of the creed of idealism?The belief in the supernatural.
02/13What is nature?Nature is existence regarded as a system of interconnected entities governed by law. It is the universe of entities acting and interacting in accordance with their identites.
02/14Altruism's supreme gesture of charity?To give an unearned respect
02/15What is supernatural?A form of existence beyound existence; a thing beyound entities; a something beyound identity. An assualt on everything man knows about reality. It is a contradiction of every essential of a rational metaphysics. It represents a rejection of the basic axioms of philosophy (or, in the case of primitive men, a failure to grasp them).
02/16Is God the creater of the universe?Not if existence has primacy over consciousness.
02/17Is God the designer of the universe?Not if A is A. The alternative to 'design' is not 'chance.' It is causality.
02/18Is God omnipotent?Nothing and no one can alter the metaphysically given.
02/19Is God infinite?Infinite does not mean large; it means larger than any specific quantity, i.e., of no specific quantity. An infinite quantity would be a quantity without identity. But A is A.
02/20Can God perform miracles?A miracle is an action not possible to the entities involved by their nature; it would be inviolation of the identity axiom.
02/21Is God purely spiritual?Spiritual means pertaining to consciousness, and consciousness is a faculty of certain living organisms, their faculty of perceiving that which exists.
02/22What is the foundation of reason and logic?Existence exists and only existence exists.
02/23What happens when you postulate a supernatural realm?You turn aside from reason, eschew proofs, dispense with definitons, and rely instead on faith. Such an approach shifts the perspective from metaphysics to epistomology.
02/24What is materialsm?Materialists (Democritus, Hobbes, Marx, Skinner) champion nature but deny the reality or efficacy of consciousness. Consciousness is either a myth or a useless byproduct of brain or other motions. The advocacy of existence without consciousness. The denial of man's faculty of cognition and therefore of all knowledge. Epistomologically materialist are mystics, mystics of the muscle. The blind operation of physical factors, such as atomic dances in the cerebrum, glandular squirtings, S-R conditioning, or the tools of production moving in that weird, waltzklike contortion known as the dialectic process.
02/25What is a soul?Your faculty of consciousness. Not a ticket to another reality.
02/26What is Epistomology?Epistomology is the science that studies the nature and means of human knowledge. It is the science that tells a fallible, conceptual consciousness what rules to follow in order to gain knowledge of an independent reality.
02/27Why can a man not accept ideas at random and count them as knowlege merely because he feels like it?Knowledge is knowledge of reality, and existence has primacy over consciousness. Human knowledge however, though based on sensory perception, is conceptual in nature, and on the conceptual level consciousness displays a new feature: it is not automatic or infallible; it can err, distort, depart from reality (whether through ignorance or evasion). Man needs to learn how to use his mind, how to distinguish truth from falsehood, how to validate the conclusions he reaches.
02/28Your means of survival?Money.
03/01Why can there be no concepts apart from sense experience?Concepts are integrations of perceptual data. Objectivism postulates there are no innate ideas, ideas in the mind at birth. Consciousness begins as a blank state; all of its conceptual content is derived from the evidence of the senses.
03/02What is the verdict you pronounce upon the source of your livelihood?The verdict you pronounce upon your life
03/03What is one precondition of epistomology?The postulate that the conceptual level is not automatic.
03/04What is the primary axiom of epistomology that is a corollary of the conscious axiom?The validity of the senses.
03/05What are the human senses?Color - Sound - Taste - Texture - Smell.
03/06The barometer of a society's virtue?Money
03/07What is the task of man's senses?To give man the evidence of existence. To sum up a vast range of facts, to condense a complex body of information -- which reaches our consciousness in the form of a relatively few sensations.
03/08The essence of human morality?To make money
03/09What is the task of reason?To identify existence. The senses tell man something is, but what it is must be learned by his mind.
03/10What is science?The conceptual unraveling of sensory data; it has no other primary evidence from which to proceed.
03/11What are dreams?Contemplation of a consciousness content rather than external reality. Unfocused integrations.
03/12The only evil thought?The refusal to think
03/13What is the conceptual level?Making inductions, formulating theories, analyzing complexities, integrating ever greater ranges of data; discovering step by step the underlying structures and laws of reality.
03/14A trade by which one gains and the other loses -- if you don't do it in business why do it in your own life?A fraud.
03/15What is physics?The task of identifying the nature of physical objects as they are apart from man's form of perception.
03/16A great sin and the worst guilt?To accept an undeserved guilt
03/17What is consciousness?A faculty of perception. Its function is to look directly outward, to perceive that which exists- and to do so by a certain means.
03/18Man's motive power?His moral code
03/19In consciousness and the physical world, every existent is bound by what two laws?Identity and causality. Consciousness is what it is. It is limited, finite, lawful. It is a faculty with a nature, which includes specific instruments that enable it to achieve awareness.It is a something that has to grasp its objects somehow.
03/20A viler evil than to murder a man?To sell him suicide as an act of virtue
03/21What is a precondition of consciousness?Identity. It is the base from which epistemology must proceed; it is the principle by reference to which all standards of cognition must be defined.
03/22What is the first stage of consciousness?Sensation. A sensations is an irreducible state of awareness produced by the action of a stimulus on a sense organ.
03/23Your default?The sanction of the victim
03/24What does irreducible mean?Incapable of being analyzed into simpler conscious units.
03/25What is the second stage of consciousness?Perception. It is 'a group of sensations automatically retained and integrated by the brain of a living organism, which gives it the ability to be aware, not of single stimuli, but of entities, of things.'
03/26The result and sum of his fundamental convictions?Sexual choice
03/27What is a 'direct experience'?The perceptual level of consciousness.
03/28Chronologically, the sensation stage comes first, then the perceptual and then the conceptual. Epistomologically, what stage comes first?Perceptual. If one seeks to prove any item of human knowledge, he must begin with the facts of perception.
03/29What is performed by the brain automatically?The integration of sensations into percepts.
03/30Our response to our highest values?Love
03/31What is volition?The voluntary integration of percepts into concepts. Philosophy has volumes of advice on this more complex kind of integration.
04/01An idea unexpressed in physical action?Contemptible hypocrisy
04/02What is man's basic freedom of choice?To exercise his distinctively human cognitive machinery or not; i.e., to set his conceptual faculty in motion or not; 'to think or not to think.' Man's power of volition is the power to seek such awareness of reality or to dispense with it. His choice is to be conscious (in the human sense) or not.
04/03What is physical action unguided by an idea?Fools fraud
04/04What is the primary choice in volition?The choice to focus one's consciousness.
04/05A frozen shape of human courage?A city
04/06What is focus?Focus is the state of a goal-directed mind committed to attaining full awareness of reality.
04/07What is a hideous evil?self-immolation
04/08The base for the best Moral Code?Life and production not death and taxes
04/09Man's highest moral purpose?Achievement
04/10The value of achievement, success, ability and man's creative power?Money of a free country
04/11Where do dollar chasers and makers live?In the only country in history where wealth was not acquired by looting; but by production, not by force, but by trade, the only country whose money was the symbole of man's right to his own mind, to his work, to his life, to his happiness, to himself.
04/12One word which is forbidden?Give
04/13There is no such thing as a lousy job?Only lousy men who don't care to do it
04/14Whats wealth??The means of expanding one's life. There's two ways one can do it: either by producing more or by producing it faster
04/15The foulest man on earth?More contemptible than a criminal, is the employer who rejects men for being too good.
04/16The objectivist's oath?I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.
04/17A moral crime?To make assertions (Do not tell -- show. Do not claim -- prove. It is not your obedience that we seek to win, but your rational conviction.)
04/18The act of acknowledging that which exists?Justice
04/19Humanities darkest evil?Non objective law -- the most destructive horror machine among all the devices of men
04/20An act of philosophy?All work
04/21The standard of moral values?Productive work and that which is it's source -- man's reasoning mind
04/22Man's noblest and most joyous power?The ingenuity of man's mind
04/23The tragic joke of human history?On any of the altars men erected, it was always man whom they immolated and the animal whom they enshrined. It was always the animal's attributes, not man's, that humanity worshiped: The idol of instinct and the idol of force.
04/24Price of any contradiction?Destruction
04/25Terms of the objectivists moral code?Man is an end to himself and not the means to any end of others
04/26The principle of love?Love is the ultimate form of recognition one grants to superlative values
04/27What to look for in men?Facts, proof and profit -- not faith, hope and charity
04/28Your moral sanction?Your pride
04/29The moral absolute for agreement among men?That neither exists for the sake of the other and that reason is their only means of trade
04/30The motor that drives every form of happiness and desire?Our love for a single value --- For the highest potentiality of our own existence -- and every achievement is an expression of it.
05/01The United States government's birth?Born not of chance and blind tribal warfare, but as a rational product of man's mind.
05/02The two monuments of mystic faith?The lunatic asylum and the graveyard -- The supremacy of the irrational
05/03A screen to hide a wish?When nothing seems worth the effort
05/04An artist's passion?Desire for admiration
05/05All work is an act of creating and comes from the same source?An intransigent devotion to the pursuit of truth
05/06How does every man build his world?In his own image -- He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice.
05/07The world's code that worships white lies?An act of mercy
05/08The lowest and most futile action?To throw upon another the burden of your abdication of choice
05/09The only man never to be redeemed?The man without passion
05/10Nobody can live by?Faking reality in any manner whatever
05/11The guts of collectivism?Depravity as its motive; plunder as its goal; lies, fraud and force as its method; and destruction as its only result.
05/12Those who do not disconnect the values of their minds from the actions of their bodies?traders
05/13Man's killer tenet?The breach between his mind and his body -- The one tenet that destroys a man before he is started
05/14The highest of moral values?That which makes life possible -- Pride in the ability to think, to act and to work for the satisfaction of your desires.
05/15An act of self-abdication?A lie -- because one surrenders one's reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one's master, condeming oneself from then on to faking the sort of reality that person's view requires to be faked.
05/16The opposite motive to charity?Justice -- giving sympathy to innocence and granting none to guilt
05/17What do you place nothing above?The verdict of one's mind
05/18Your highest of values?Your life -- too high to be given up without a fight
05/19The highest, noblest and only good on earth?The feeling that your life is the highest of values
05/20The darkest, ugliest and only evil in the world?The motive to destroy the highest of values
05/21What is the sin of forgiveness?Placing mercy (forgiveness, brother-cannibal love) over justice (faking reality).
05/22One at the mercy of anyone's will?One who surrenders his/her values
05/23The creed of collective independence?Non - Identity, Non - Property and Non - Fact (Non - Absolute)
05/24The virtue of sacrifice?Sacrifice of: Reason to Faith, Purpose to Inefficacy, Self-esteem to Self-denial, Rationality to Mysticism, Independence to Unity, Honesty to Practicality, Integrity to Duplicity/Compromise, Justice to Mercy, Productiveness to Boredom, Pride to Humility, Wealth to Need, Happiness to Duty.
05/25What is the good?To live your life
05/26The question to determine the good?By what standard
05/27Man's basic tool of survival?Man's mind
05/28The question to be or not to be is the question?To think or not to think
05/29What is a moral code?A code of values to guide your actions. 'Value' is what one acts to gain or keep, 'virtue' is the action by which one gains and keeps it.
05/30The fundamental alternative in the universe?Existence or non existence -- and it pertains to a single class of entities: to living organisms
05/31The standard of value of a morality of reason?Man's life. All that which is proper to the life of a rational being is the good: all that which destroys it is the evil.
06/01The basis of man's life, as required by nature?Thinking being. Not the life of a mindless brute, of a looting thug or a mooching mystic, but the life of a thinking being -- not by force or fraud, but life by means of achievement -- not survival at any price, since ther's only one price. that pays for man's survival: reason
06/02The successful state of life?Happiness. Pain is an agent of death
06/03Man's highest moral purpose?The achievement of his own happiness -- Man is an end himself, he exists for his own sake.
06/04The purpose of morality?To teach you not to suffer and die but to enjoy yourself and live
06/05Why does man need a code of morality?For the purpose of self-preservation
06/06Man's choice to live?To live as a man--by the work and the judgment of your mind
06/07The root of the objectivist moral code?A single axiom -- Existence exists
06/08The corollary axioms to existence exists?Something exists which one perceives -- One exists possessing consciousness
06/09Consciousness is?Identification
06/10Reason is?The faculty that perceives, identifies and integrates the material provided by man's senses.
06/11The task of your senses?To give you the evidence of existence, (something is)
06/12The task of your reason?Identifying existence (what is)
06/13Logic is?The art of non-contradictory identification
06/14To arrive at a contradiction is?To confess an error in one's thinking
06/15To maintain a contradiction is?To abdicate one's mind and to evict oneself from the realm of reality
06/16Reality is?That which exists; the unreal does not exist
06/17Truth is ?The recognition of reality
06/18The most depraved sentence you can utter?Is to ask whose reason
06/19Your only judge of truth?Your mind
06/20The court of final appeal?Reality
06/21The director of your judgement?Your moral integrity
06/22Your moral faculty?Man's reason
06/23The process of reason?A process of constant choice in answer to the question: True or False
06/24A rational process is?A moral process
06/25Your soul or spirt is?Your consciousness
06/26Your free will is?Your minds freedom to think or not, the only will you have, your only freedom, the choice that controls all the choices you make and determines your life and your ccharacter.
06/27The hallmark of morality?Devotion to truth
06/28Man's basic vice?The source of all his evils is that nameless act which all of you practice, but struggle never to admit: the act of blanking out, the willful suspension of one's conscousness, the refusal to think -- know.
06/29The content of 'Who am I to know'?A declaration of 'who am I to live' -- a suspension of your judgement and negation of your person
06/30Your basic moral choice?Thinking or non-thinking, existence or non-existence, A or non-A, entity or zero.
07/01Value to be bought?Life -- thinking is the only coin noble enough to buy it
07/02Supreme and ruling values of man's life?Reason -- Purpose -- Self-esteem. Reason, as his only tool of knowledge -- Purpose, as his choice of the happiness which that tool must proceed to achieve -- Self-esteem, as his inviolate certainty that his mind is competent to think and his peron is worthy of happiness, which means: is worthy of living.
07/03Man's virtues?Pertaining to the relation of existence and consciousness: Rationality, Independence, Integrity, Honesty, Justice, Productiveness.
07/04Independence?The recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgment and nothing can help you escape it
07/05The vilest form of self-abasement and self-destruction?The subordination of your mind to the mind of another, the acceptance of an authority over your brain, the acceptance of his assertions as facts, his say-so as truth, his edicts as middle-man between your conscousness. and your existence
07/06Independence?The reliance upon our own mind and judgement, the acceptance of intellectual responsibility for our own existence
07/07Integrity?The recognition of the fact that you cannot fake your consciousness, just as honesty is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake existence -- that courage and confidence are practical necessities.
07/08Courage?The practical form of being true to existence, of being true to the truth
07/09Confidence?The practical form of being true to one's own consciousness
07/10Integrity?The loyalty in action to the judgment of our consciousness
07/11Most profoundly selfish virtue man can practice?His refusal to sacrifice the reality of his own existence to the deluded consciousness of others
07/12Justice?The recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature, that you must judge all. men as conscientiously as you judge inanimate objects, with the same respect for truth, with the same incorruptible vision, by as pure and as rational a procedss of identification.
07/13Moral counterfeiting?To withhold your contempt from men's vices
07/14Moral embezzlement?To withhold your admiration from men's virtues
07/15Productiveness?Your acceptance of morality, your recognition of the fact that you choose to live.
07/16Products of the premises held by your mind?Your character, your actions, your desires, your emotions.
07/17That as man is a being of self-made wealth?Man is a being of self-made soul, i.e., his character is formed by his basic premises.
07/18The first precondition of self-esteem?That radiant selfishness of soul which desires the best in all things, in values of matter and spirit, a soul that seeks above all else to achieve its own moral perfection, valuing nothing higher than itself.
07/19Proof of an achieved self-esteem?Your soul's shudder of contempt and rebellion against the role of a sacrificial animal, against the vile impertinence of any creed that proposes to immolate the irreplaceable value which is your consciousness and the imcomparable glory which is your existence to the blind evasions and the stagnant decay of others.
07/20Man's only moral purpose?His own happiness
07/21The reward of virtue?Life
07/22Goal and reward of life?Happiness
07/23Two fundamental sensations of the body?Pleasure and pain, as signs of its welfare or injury, as a barometer of its basic alternative, life or death.
07/24Two fundamental emotions of consciousness?Joy and suffering, as signs of its welfare or injury, as a barometer of its basic alternative, life or death.
07/25Emotions are?Estimates of that which furthers your life or threatens it, lighting calculators giving you a sum of our profit or loss.
07/26Your emotional capacity's fuel?Your values
07/27Happiness is?A state of non-contradictory joy -- a joy without penalty or guilt, a joy that does not clash with any of your values and does not work for your own destruction. Not the joy of escaping from your mind, but of using your mind's fullest power, not the joy of faking reality but of achieving values that are real, not the joy of a drunkard, but of a producer. Happiness is possible only to a ratonal man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seeks nothing but rational values and finds his joy in nothing but rational actions.
07/28The moral symbol of respect for human beings?The trader -- the man of justice
07/29Spiritual values are?Love, friendship, esteem-- given in payment and in trade for human virtues, in payment for your own selfish pleasure, which you receive form men you can respect.
07/30Your moral obligation to your fellow men?None -- except the obligation you owe to yourself, to material objects and to all of existence: rationality.
07/31Your final arbiter?Reality -- If you are right, your opponent will learn; If you are wrong, your opponent will; one of you will win, but both will profit.
08/01One act of evil not open to disagreement?Physical force. So long as men desire to live together, no man may initiate -- start -- the use of physical force against others.
08/02Where does morality end?Where a gun begins. There can be no 'right' to destroy the source of rights, the only means of judging right and wrong: the mind.
08/03An attempt to exist in defiance of reality?To force a man to drop his own mind and to accept your will as a substitute, with a gun in place of a syllogism, with terror in place of proof, and death as the final argument.
08/04The meaning of 'Your mind or your life'?A highwayman's ultimatum 'Your money or your life' or a politician's ultimatum 'Your children's education or your life'.
08/05Who is the most contemptible?The brute who assumes the right to force the mind of others or the moral degenerate who grants to others the right to force his mind.
08/06Force can only be used?As a retaliation against the man who starts its use
08/07The producer's single ultimatum?Our work or your guns
08/08Morality of death?Non thinking, irrational, altruism
08/09Original Sin?The good is that which is non-man
08/10What is outside the province of morality?That which is outside the possibility of choice
08/11A mockery of morality?To hold, as man's sin, a fact not open to his choice.
08/12A mockery of Nature?To hold man's nature as his sin
08/13A mockery of Justice?To punish man for a crime he committed before he was born
08/14A mocker of Reason?To hold man guilty in a matter where no innocence exists
08/15Altruism's Original Sin?Reason, morality, creativeness, joy. (the cardinal values of man's existence)
08/16Your cardinal values are?Reason, morality, creativeness, joy.
08/17Altruism's Morality of Mercy is?The doctrine of love for man: Cardinal values are his sin. His evil is being man, his guilt is that he lives.
08/18A Soul without a body is?A ghost
08/19Your two worst monsters?A body moved by unaccountable instincts, a soul moved by mystic revelations, i.e. a victim of a battle between a robot and a dictaphone.
08/20The teachers of the morality of death?Mystics of spirit and mystics of muscle, the spiritualists and the materialists.
08/21Sacrifice is?The surrender of that which you value in favor of that which you don't
08/22Altruism's greatest virtue?Serving men you hate
08/23The creed of sacrifice?Morality for the immoral
08/24The most selfish of all things?The independent mind that recognizes no authority higher than its own and no value higher than its judgment of truth.
08/25A sacrifice of your intellectual integrity?Becoming a prostitute whose standard is the greatest good for the greatest number
08/26Product of virtues?All values
08/27Altruism's motive of your sacrifice?Love -- the love you ought to feel for every man
08/28An emotion?A response to a fact of reality, an estimate dictated by your standards.
08/29To love is?To value. The expression of one's values, the greatest reward you can earn for the moral qualities you have achieved in your character and person, the emotional price paid by one man for the joy he receives from the virtues of another.
08/30The highest of emotions?Love
08/31Twin ideals of a morality of sacrifice?To refashion the life of your body in the image of a human stockyard, and the life of your spirit in the image of a dump.
09/01Your single sore open to mystic germs?Your fear of relying on your own mind
09/02To exist is?To possess identity
09/03The metaphysics of a leech?The idea of a universe where a zero is a standard of identification and building its private universe with blood
09/04The desire not to be anything?The desire not to be
09/05The corpse of your mind?Those irrational wishes that draw you to their creed, those emotions you worship as an idol, on whose altar you sacrifice the earth, that dark, incoherent passion within you, which you take as the voice of God or of your glands.
09/06What permits you no miracles?The law of causality, the law of identity applied to action.
09/07The reign of the zero?the non-existent ruling the existent, causeless action.
09/08What does not permit you to have your cake and eat it too?The law of identity
09/09What does not permit you to eat your cake before you have it?The law of causality
09/10The corollary of the causeless in matter?The unearned in spirit
09/11A rebellion against causality?Unearned love, admiration, wealth, forgiveness, spending.
09/12The producer is?The cause of values: process of thinking, defining identity, discovering causal connections.
09/13An axiom is?A statement that identifies the base of knowledge and of any further statement pertaining to that knowledge
09/14An objective reality?A concept on which man's mind, his life and his culture depends.
09/15A revolt against reason?Spirit mystic's faith
09/16A revolt against believing?Muscle mystic's faith
09/17A surrender of your power to perceive?A surrender of the objective to the collective waiting for mankind to tell you what to think
09/18Your consciousness is?The supernatural power that a mystic dreads, the unknowable spirit he worships, the consciousness he considers omnipotent
09/19A mystic is?A man who surrendered his mind at its first encounter with the minds of others. At the crossroads of the choice between 'I know' and they say, he chose the authority of others, he chose to submit rather than to understand, to believe rather than to think. Driven by the urge to impress, to cheat, to flatter, to deceive, to force that omnipotent consciousness of others.
09/20Power Lust is?A weed that grows only in the vacant lots of an abandoned mind
09/21A dictator is?A mystic, and every mystic is a potential dictator.
09/22The concept 'the people' is ?Disembodied gargoyle
09/23An inventor is?A man who asks 'Why?' of the universe and lets nothing stand between the answer and his mind
09/24The enemy is?An inverted morality
09/25The able men of reason versus the?Extortions of loafing relatives, atrocities of collectivized countries.
09/26The scientists, inventors, industrialist versus?The grotesque little atavists
09/27The mystics image of man and standard of value?Idol of the cult of zero-worship
09/28The mystics concept of 'human'?The weakling, the fool, the rotter, the liar, the failure, the coward and the fraud, and to exile from the human race the hero, the thinker, the producer, the inventer, the strong, the purposeful and the pure, as if to feel were human, but to think were not, as if to fail were human, but to succeed were not, as if corruption were human, but virtue were not -- as if the premise of death were proper to man, but the premise of life were not.
09/29The meaning behind 'But we don't have to go to extremes!'?The extreme you have always struggled to avoid is the recognition that reality is final, that A is A and that the truth is true.
09/30The man responsible for all the blood spilled?The man who refuses to judge
10/01The two sides to every issue?The right side and the wrong side -- the middle is always evil.
10/02In a compromise between good and evil?Only evil can profit
10/03Your highest value?Self esteem
10/04Man's hidden dread?His inability to deal with existence, every form of causeless self-doubt, every feeling of inferiority and secret unworthiness.
10/05Your chronic emotions?Fear and guilt: fear, because you have abandoned your weapon of survival; guilt, because you know you have done it volitionally.
10/06The ego you seek is?Your intellect, that judge of your supreme tribunal whom you've impeached in order to drift at the mercy of any stray shyster you describe as your feeling.
10/07Paradise is?A rational consciousness facing an open universe
10/08The noblest act you have ever performed?The act of your mind in the process of grasping that two and two make four
10/09The moral ideal?Is the task of becoming a man, 'I am, therefore I'll think'.
10/10An unlimited license to evil?Claiming that man is imperfect
10/11Moralities realm?Nothing less than perfection will do
10/12The gauge of your virtue?To think or not to think
10/13A breach of morality?The conscious choice of an action you know to be evil
10/14The only moral purpose of your life?Achievement of your happiness
10/15Proof of your moral integrity?Happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence.
10/16The most despicable coward?The man who deserted the battle for his joy, fearing to assert his right to existence.
10/17The first step toward attaining self-esteem?Learning to treat as the mark of a cannibal any man's demand for your help
10/18When do you chose to help a man who suffers?Only on the ground of his virtues
10/19The worship of need?Replacing your soul with a mooching midget
10/20The basis of a countries political system?Its code of morality
10/21America's moral premise is?That man is an end in himself, not the means to the ends of others, that man's life, his freedom, his happiness are his by inalienalble right.
10/22The source of man's rights?The law of identity, Not divine law or congressional law. Rights are a moral concept -- and morality is a matter of choice
10/23Translating one's rights into reality is?To think, to work and to keep the results -- which means the right of property. Only a ghost can exist without matgerial property; only a slave can work with no right to the product of his effort
10/24The source of property rights?The law of causality
10/25Criminals are?Savages who play it short range and starve when their prey runs out
10/26The purpose of government?To protect man's rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence.
10/27The proper functions of a government?The police to protect you from criminals; the army to protect you from foreign invaders; and the courts, to protect your property and contracts from breach or fraud by others, to settle disputes by rational rules, according to objective law.
10/28The collectivists rule of social conduct?You may do whatever you please to your neighbor, provided your gang is bigger than his
10/29The power of unknowable demons?The unpredictable power of the arbitrary whims of hidden, ugly little bureaucrats and gangs of entrenched mediocrity.
10/30A standard to which the honest will repair?The standard of life and reason
10/31The single moral premise of a trader's objective political system?No man may obtain any values from others by resorting to physical force, Every man will stand or fall, live or die by his rational judgement.
11/01A trader's oath?I swear -- by my life and my love of it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.
11/02The only sacred value in the world?The human mind
11/03What is a trader versus a mystic?Truth, knowledge, reason, values, rights versus force, fraud and plunder.
11/04A mystics highest fulfillment?Mindless adulation, approval without standards, tribute without content, honor without causes, admiration without reasons, love without a code of values.
11/05The mystic's recipe for progress?Patience, faith and unity.
11/06The best within us?Business and earning a living, and man's mind which makes it possible.
11/07The two great tragedies?never to have had a dream to strive for, never to have fully reached it.
11/08A volitional faculty which man has to choose to discover, employ, and preserve?Reason
11/09The missing link between the human and the animal species?Attila and the Witch Doctor
11/10The task of man's consciousness?To perceive, not to create reality.
11/11Man's method of integrating his sensory material?Abstractions
11/12The very best of every man which capitalism demands and rewards him accordingly?His rationality
11/13The two corollaries of the soul-body dichotomy?The impotence of man's mind and the damnation of this earth
11/14The requirements of reason?Freedom, self-confidence and self esteem. It requires the right to think and to act on the guidence of one's thinking -- the right to live by one's own independent judgement.
11/15A free mind and a free market are corollaries?Intellectual freedom cannot exist without political freedom; political freedom cannot exist without economic freedom.
11/16The twin-motors of progress, the integrators of the entire system, the transmission belts that carry the achievements of the best minds?the intellectual and the businessman.
11/17The field agent of the army whose commander-in-chief is the philosopher?The professional intellectual
11/18The eyes, ears and voice of a free society?The intellectual
11/19The 'Problem of Universals'?To define the nature and source of abstractions, to determine the relationship of concepts to perceptual data and to prove the validity of scientific induction.
11/20The great treason of the philosophers?They never stepped out of the Middle Ages: they never challenged the Witch Doctor's code of morality. They were willing to doubt the existence of physical objects, to doubt the validity of their own senses, to defy the authority of absolute monarchies, to proclaim themselves to be skeptics or agnostics or atheists -- but they were not willing to doubt the doctrine that man is a sacrificial animal, that he has no right to exist for his own sake,
11/21The doctrine of moral cannibalism?The morality of Altruism
11/22The coiner of the term 'Altruism', for the placing of others above self, of their interests above one's own?Comte
11/23The Witch Doctor's morality of human sacrifices?of self-denial, self-abasement, self-immolation -- of suffering, guilt and death.
11/24The great injustice of the intellectuals?They share the philosophers treason knowing for a long time that no firm philosophical base exists for the humanities. They knew that they were functioning in a philosophical vacuum and that the currency they were passing was rubber checks which would bounce some day wrecking their culture
11/25The victim of the intellectuals' most famous injustice?The bussinessman
11/26What neither Attila nor the Witch Doctor can afford to admit?The existence of man the producer
11/27Attila's and the Witch Doctor's ignoring the existence of the faculty of discrimination?Evading the difference between production and looting, they called the businessman robber. Between freedom and compulsion they called him a slave driver, between reward and terror they called him an exploiter, between checks and guns, they called him an autocrat, between trade and force, they called him a tyrant.
11/28The most crucial issue Attila and the Witch Doctor had to evade?The difference between the earned and the unearned
11/29The faculty Attila and the Witch Doctor betrayed?The faculty of discrimination, the intellect.
11/30A practical faculty?The intellect, a guide to man's successful existence on earth with its task the study of reality (as well as the production of wealth), not the contemplation of unintelligible feelings nor a special monopoly on the 'unknowable'.
12/01That which the Witch Doctor most dreads?the freedom of the market place of ideas
12/02A task that only a man on the conceptual level of psycho-epistemology can welcome or fulfill?To live by the work of one's mind, to offer men the products of one's thinking, to provide them with new knowledge, to stand on nothing but the merit of one's ideas and to rely on nothing but objective. truth, in a market open to any man who is willing to think and has to judge, accept or reject on his own
12/03What is socialism?The doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him. in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good?
12/04The disintegrators of man's consciousness or of a society's culture?Guilt and Fear
12/05The three injunctions which permeate America's intellectual atmosphere and which are typical of guilt?Don't Look -- Don't Judge -- Don't Be Certain
12/06The psycho-epistemological meaning of don't look, don't judge and don't be certain?Don't Integrate -- Don't Evaluate -- Give Up
12/07The last stand of Attila-ism both in science and philosophy?The concerted assertion of all the neo-mystics that integration is impossible and unscientific
12/08The integration of knowledge into a coherent sum and a consistent view of reality?System building
12/09To oppose anything one needs a firm set of principles?Which means philosophy
12/10History, fate and malevolent conspiracy are easier to believe than the actual truth.That we are moved by nothing but the sluggish inertia of unfocused minds.
12/11The businessman's fatal error, those who could not accept the intellectual leadership of post-Kantian Witch Doctors?Conceding the field of intellect to the post-Kantian Witch Doctors
12/12A superlative moral virtue?The code of a fair trader, the code of justice.
12/13A product of a mixed economy?The new type of businessman who makes fortunes, not by productive ability and competition in a free market, but by political pull, by government favors, subsidies, franchises and special privileges.
12/14The new intellectual?A man guided by his intellect -- not a zombie guided by feelings, instincts, urges, wishes, whims or revelations
12/15Discarding the irrational conflicts and contradictions of the soul-body dichotomy?mind versus heart, thought versus action, reality verses desire, practical versus the moral.
12/16Ideas divorced from consequent action?are fraudulent
12/17Action divorced from ideas?is suicidal
12/18Man's greatest moral virtue and the basic necessity of man's survival?The conceptual level of psycho-epistemology -- the volitional level of reason and thought
12/19Moral strength and personal ambition is?Self esteem.
12/20What must the New Intellectuals remind the world?That the basic premise of the Founding Fathers was man's right to his own life, to his own liberty, to the pursuit of his own happiness -- which means: man's right to exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself; and that the political implementation of this right is a society where men deal with one another as traders, by voluntary exchange to mutual benefit.
12/21Today the conflict has reached its ultimate climax; the choice is clear-cut?Either a new morality of rational self-interest, with its consequences of freedom, justice, progress, and man's happiness on earth -- or the primordial morality of altruism, with its consequences of slavery, brute force, stagnant terror and sacrificial furnaces
12/22Emotion for proof?No discussion, cooperation, agreement or understanding is possible among men who substitute emotion for proof.
12/23Counterfeit Reasoning is?Rationalizing.
12/24The central pillar of positive self esteem?A commitment to awareness, the will to understand, the will to be efficacious, consciousness, reality.
12/25The other pillers of positive self esteem?Integrity (Integration of convictions, standards, beliefs, and behavior where behavior resonates with professed values, and philosophy and action are integrated), Self responsibility, Self acceptance, Independence.
12/26One of the most important forms of heroism?Consciousness, thought, the will to tolerate aloneness.
12/27Do mystics declare that all they demand of man is that he sacrifice his happiness??To sacrifice one's happiness is to sacrifice one's desires; to sacrifice one's desires to sacrifice one's values; to sacrifice one's values is to sacrifice one's mind -- and it is nothing less than this that the creed of self-sacrifice aims at and demands.
12/28What is an axiomatic concept?The identification of a primary fact of reality, being implicit in all facts and in all knowledge, and fundamentaly given and directly perceived or experienced.
12/29AltruismAs an ethical principle holds that man must make the welfare of others his primary moral concern and must place their interests above his own.
12/30Productiveness?The act of supporting our existence by translating our thought into reality, of setting our goals and working for their achievement, of bringing knowledge, goods, or services into existence.
12/31A body without a soul is?A corpse