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Inventors and Inventions

Inventor Associations and Forums

Australia: AusInvent  promote innovation and stimulate the development of new products and business expansion
Australia: InnoMart  Australian inventors market place for the promotion and commercialisation of new product and intellectual property developments
Australia: Inventors' Association of Australia
Australia: Inventors' Association of Australia in Queensland
Australia: Inventors' Association of Australia NSW
Australia: Inventors' Association of Australia (Victorian Branch)
Australia: Inventor's Association of Australia (SA)
Australia: Inventors' Association of Western Australia
Australia: ShopAustralia Australian Inventions looking for distributors
Austria: erfinder.AT  the platform for inventor's concerns in German
Belgium: Brussels Eureka  Chambre Belge des Inventeurs
Brazil: National Association of Inventors [Associação Nacional dos Inventores]
Canada: Association des inventeurs du Québec  association of Quebec inventors (in French)
Canada-British Columbia-Vancouver: B.C. Inventors Society
Canada-Ontario: Inventors Association (Ottawa)
Canada-Ontario-Ottawa: Inventors Resource Centre
Canada-Quebec: (in French)
Canada-Quebec: Invention Quebec  non-profit organization assisting Quebec inventors
Canada-Quebec: Monde des inventions québécoises   world of Quebec inventions (in French)
Canada: Women Inventors Project
Canadian Innovation Centre  invention evaluation, technology due diligence, market research, and education programs
Danish Inventors Association [Dansk Forening til Fremme af Opfindelser] (in Danish)
Finland: Foundation for Finnish Inventions  supports and helps private individuals and entrepreneurs to develop and exploit invention proposals
France: Azur Innovation  objective is to encourage industrial and commercial development of inventions, innovations and other novelties and accelerate their marketing
France: Fédération Nationale des Associations Françaises d'Inventeurs  national federation of French inventors' assocations
France: Invention Innovation Communication  main goal is to create contacts between inventors and industrial partners, bankers and businessmen
France: Transtech Aquitaine  Aide aux inventeurs, artisans et Très Petites Entreprises dans la démarche de propriété industrielle  (in French)
France: Virtual Exhibition of Inventions & Technologies [Salon Virtuel des Inventions & Technologies]
Germany: Bayern-Innovativ  Bavaria-innovative, links to Bavarian organizations of interest to inventors (in German)
Germany: Deutschland Innovativ  organisation to provide information to strengthen innovation potentials of enterprises
Germany: Die Lizenzdatenbank RALF  The License Databank "RALF" run by the German Patent Office (in German)
Germany: Erfinderclub Paderborn e.V.  Paderborn inventors' club (in German)
Germany: Erfinderclub Schleswig-Holstein e.V.  Schleswig-Holstein inventors' club (in German)
Germany: Erfinder-Forum  inventor's forum (in German)
Germany: Erfindermarkt  Inventor's market - inventor's forum (in German)
Germany: Erfindervereine und Erfinderverbände  off-line directory of inventors' association in Germany, Switzerland and Austria  from Patent-Net
Germany: Fraunhofer-Patentstelle für die Deutsche Forschung  patent organization for German research - patent and marketing support for inventors
Germany: Gesellschaft für außergewöhnliche Ideen   Society for extraordinary ideas (in German)
Germany: InnoMedia  Erfinder-Stammtisch - Inventor's Forum (in German)
Germany: Innovationen und Erfindungen  exchange for innovations and inventions in the medical field from Medical Engineering Rycyk (in German)
Germany: Innovation Market  information on promising innovative projects
Germany: Innovationskreis Emsland e.V.  organisation to support enterprises and people in their effort to bring innovative ideas to market (in German)
Germany: Patent-Net  patent and invention information site (in German)
Germany: Patent- und Inovations-Centrum Bielefeld e.V.  inventor's reporting service (in German)
Germany: Tatenbank  databank for the exchange of environmentally-friendly ideas and inventions (in German)
Germany: VDE-Erfinder-Pool  inventor's forum
Germany: Verband Innovativer Unternehmen e.V.  association of innovative firms including innovation buy/sell exchange (in German)
Hong Kong Inventors Association Ltd.
Hungary: Association of Hungarian Inventors [Magyar Feltalálók Egyesülete]
International Federation of Inventors' Associations
Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation (in Japanese)
Korea Invention Promotion Association (in Korean)
Malaysia Invention and Design Society
Netherlands: Dutch Association of Inventors [Nederlandse Orde van Uitvinders]
Netherlands: InnovatieCentrum voor Uitvindingen en ID-NL Patents & Licensing B.V. (in Dutch)
Netherlands: Innovationcentre Wageningen and Carrefour Wageningen  supports entrepreneurs and organisations in the agricultural sector and rural areas
Norway: Idéforum Trøndelag  Trondelag idea forum (in Norwegian)
Norway: Kreativt Forum Østfold  Ostfold creativity forum (in Norwegian)
Norway: Norsk Oppfinnerforening  Norwegian inventors' association (in Norwegian)
Norway: Oppfinnerforeningen i Hordaland  inventors' association in Hordaland (Bergen) (in Norwegian)
Norway: Oppfinnermagasinetinventor's magazine (in Norwegian)
Norway: Oslo-Akershus Oppfinnerforening  Oslo-Akershus inventors' association (in Norwegian)
Norway: Rogaland Oppfinnerforening  Rogaland inventors' association (in Norwegian)
Norway: Sunnhordland Idé- og Oppfinnarforening  Sunnhordland idea and inventors' association (in Norwegian)
Norway: Troms Oppfinnerforening  Troms inventors' association (in Norwegian)
Norway: Vestfold Produktutviklerforening  Vestfold product developers' association (in Norwegian)
Polish Union of Associations of Inventors and Rationalizators [Polski Zwiazek Stowarzyszen Wynalazcowi Racjonalizatorow]
Russia: All-Russian Society of Inventors and Streamliners (in Russian)
Singapore: National Science and Technology Board, Support & Services  Technology Incubator Program, Technology Development Fund, Innovator Assistance Scheme
Slovakia: Association of Slovak Scientific and Technological Societies
Spain: Cámara de Inventores de España  Chamber of Spanish Inventors (in Spanish)
Spain: Club de Inventores Españoles  Spanish inventors' club (in Spanish)
Sweden: Stiftelsen Innovationscentrum  Stiftelsen innovation centre (in Swedish)
Sweden: Svenska Uppfinnarföreningen  Swedish inventors' association
Sweden: Uppfinnar Centrum Skåne  Inventors' centre in Skane (in Swedish)
Sweden: Young Inventors Network
Switzerland: Fédération Mondiale des Fondations pour la Promotion des Inventions, des Arts et des Technologies nouvelles  (in French)
Switzerland:  inventor's forum
Switzerland: Innonet  Innovations on Internet
Switzerland: International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products
Switzerland: Invention Romande  swiss inventors' association (in French)
Switzerland: Opalys® Patents  organisation putting patent holders together with backers, licencees including list of inventions
Switzerland: Site Invente  inventors' bulletin board (in French)
UK: Euerka Club  service for inventors site; inventors list invention seeking distributors, licencees
UK: Institute of Inventors  Non Profit Voluntary Inventor's Club run by Engineer Inventors
UK: Institute of Patentees and Inventors
US: 4-Tomorrow  invention bulletin board
US-Alaka: InventorNet  site of the Alaska Inventors & Entrepreneurs Association
US: Alliance for American Innovation
US-Arizona: Inventors Association of Arizona
US-California: Inventors Alliance of Northern California
US-California-Huntington Beach: Inventors Forum non profit organization for helping inventors
US-California-Santa Rosa: Idea to Market Network
US-California-Santa Rosa: Inventors' Alliance
US-California: Sunnyvale Center for Innovation, Invention and Ideas
US-Connecticut-Danbury: Innovators Guild
US-District of Columbia: Inventors' Network of the Capital Area  Washington, DC-area inventors helping each other
US-Florida: Tampa Bay Inventors' Council
US-Georgia: Inventor Associates of Georgia
US: Invention Connection  inventions in a wide variety of industries which are available for licensing
US: Invention Convention
US: InventNET  The Inventors Network
US: Inventors Union
US: Inventors Workshop International Education Foundation  crusader organization for inventors' rights
US: InventorWorld Inventors and Inventions Home For People With Ideas
US-Kansas: Inventors’ Association of South-Central Kansas
US-Maine: Portland Inventor's Forum
US-Massachusetts-Cambridge: Inventors' Association of New England
US-Michigan: Inventor's Council of Mid-Michigan
US: Minnesota Inventors Congress  non-profit resource center for inventors devoted to the inventing community
US: National Congress of Inventor Organizations
US: National Inventive Thinking Association
US-Nebraska: Lincoln Inventors' Association
US: Nevada Inventor's Association
US: New Hampshire Inventors Association
US: Pennsylvania Inventors' Association
US: Reusable Application-Specific Intellectual Property Developers
US-Ohio: Inventors Connection of Greater Cleveland  non-profit organization of persons directly interested in invention and innovation
US: Oklahoma Inventors Congress, Stillwater Chapter
US: Tennessee Inventors Association
US-Texas: Houston Inventors Association
US-Texas-Houston: Network of American Investors & Entrepreneurs
US: Texas Innovation Network  mission is to establish and operate a research, technology, and business information service
US: United Inventors Association of the USA  mission is to provide leadership, support, and services to inventor support groups and independent inventors
US-Virginia: Blue Ridge Inventors' Club

Inventor Funding Sources


Canada: Federal Government Assistance Programs
Canada: Industrial Research Assistance Program
EU: INTAS  association to preserve and promote the valuable scientific potential of the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union
EU: IMT (Brite-EuRam III)  provides support to industry & academia for collaborative research in materials, design & manufacturing technologies
Germany: Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung Nordrhein-Westfalen mbH (GfW) (in German)
Malaysia: Industry Research And Development Grant Scheme (IGS)
Netherlands: SenterWijzer  agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, managing a large number of national subsidy programmes for R&D
Swedish Industrial Development Fund [Industrifonden]
Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development [NUTEK Närings- och teknikutvecklingsverket]
US: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Funding Opportunities
US: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance  government-wide compendium of Federal programs, projects which provide assistance or benefits
US: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Grants and Cooperative Agreements
U.S. Civilian R & D Foundation for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (CRDF)
U.S. Department of Agriculture Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
US: Department of Commerce, Office of Executive Assistance Management, Grants Management
US: Department of Commerce, Office of Research and Technology Applications, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
US: Department of Commerce, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
US: Department of Defense, Air Force Research Laboratory, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
US: Department of Defense, Army Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
US: Department of Defense, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization SBIR/STTR
US: Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
US: Department of Defense, SBIR and STTR Programs  funding directly to small companies with innovations with defense and commercial applications
US: Department of Defense, Special Operations Acquisition and Logistics Center, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
US: Department of Education, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Industrial Technologies, Inventions and Innovation Program
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Procurement and Assistance Management, Financial Assistance Home Page
U.S. Department of Energy, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
US: Department of Health and Human Services, GrantsNet  site for finding and exchanging information about HHS and selected other Federal grant programs
US: Department of Transportation, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
US: Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation Research Grants
U.S. Government Grantmaking Agencies  a directory courtesy of Cleveland State University
US: Hawaii Small Business Innovation Research Grant Program
US: Health Resources Services Administration Funding Opportunities
US: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), SBIR/STTR
US: National Institute of Standards & Technology, Measurement & Standards Laboratories, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
US: National Institutes of Health, Office of Extramural Research, Grants
US: National Institutes of Health, Office of Extramural Research, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
US: National SBIR/STTR Conference Center
US: National Science Foundation, Grants and Program Areas
US: National Science Foundation, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
US: SBIR Resource Center™   from JADE Research Corporation
US: Small Business Administration, Financing Your Business
US: Small Business Administration, Office of Technology, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
US: Tennessee Valley Authority, Business Incubators
US: Who's Who in Federal Grants Management  a directory


Australian Venture Capital Association Limited
Belgian Venturing Association
Canada-Nova-Scotia: Division of Research and Graduate Studies
Canadian Venture Capital Association
Danish Venture Finance [Dansk Udviklingsfinansiering A/S]
European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
German Venture Capital Association [Bundesverband deutscher Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaften e.V.] (in German)
Germany: Erfinderzentrum Norddeutschland  help find companies to work with inventors and to find financing (in German)
Finnish Venture Capital Association [Suomen pääomasijoitusyhdistys ry]
Hungarian Venture Capital Association [Magyar Kockázati Tôke Egyesület]
Italian Venture Capital Association [Associazione Italiana degli Investitori Istituzionali nel Capitale di Rischio]
Korea Technology Finance Corporation
Netherlands: Nederlandse Vereniging van Participatiemaatschappijen  Dutch venture capital association (in Dutch)
Sweden: Affärsstrategerna  venture capital firm
Sweden: ALMI Företagspartner   loans to Swedish SMEs
Sweden: Företagskapital  venture capital firm
Sweden: InnovationsKapital  venture capital firm
Sweden: Ledstiernan  venture capital firm
Sweden: Norrland Fund [Norrlandsfonden]  risk capital loans for developement & expansion in manufacturing & service-producing firms in Norrland
Sweden: Swedepark  Swedish Science and Technology Parks - organization supporting ventures within knowledge-based and high-tech businesses
Sweden: Teknikhöjden Stockholm Technology Park [Stockholms Teknikhöjd AB]
Sweden: Teknopol  natural tool in southern Sweden for commercialization of research results
Swedish Venture Capital Association [Svenska Riskkapitalföreningen] (in Swedish)
Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association
Switzerland: Initiative Start-ups (in German)
Thai Venture Capital Association
UK: British Venture Capital Association
UK: Pronovus East Midlands Business Innovation Centre  find & negotiate investment & finance from business angels, venture capitalists, banks & public grants
US: Business Incubator Resource Guide
US: Arkansas Capital Corporation Group
US-California: GSB Venture Capital Club
US-California: Los Angeles Venture Association
US-California: Northern California Venture Capital Association
US-California: Orange Coast Venture Group
US: Capital Connection  The Entrepreneur's Resource for Finance
US: Connecticut Venture Group
US: Florida Venture Forum, Inc.  non-profit support group that provides entrepreneurial companies with technical assistance and identifies sources of venture capital
US-Florida: Gold Coast Venture Capital Club
US:  Assistance in obtaining seed level financing
US: Georgia: Advanced Technology Development Center
US: Greater Philadelphia Venture Group  umbrella organization for venture capital firms in the region
US-Hawaii: Maui Research and Technology Center  Maui's High Tech Business Incubator
US-Hawaii: Manoa Innovation Center  high-tech business incubator
US: Hawai'i Venture Capital Association
US: Inventor Funding Sources  from Ronald J. Riley
US: Kellogg Entrepreneurship & Venture Capital Club
US: Mid-Atlantic Venture Association
US: National Association of Small Business Investment Companies
US: National Business Incubation Association
US: National Council of University Research Administrators  administration of sponsored programs at colleges and universities
US: National Venture Capital Association
US-New Jersey: Venture Association of New Jersey
US-New York: Western New York Venture Association
US-Ohio: Greater Cincinnati Venture Association
US-Ohio: Medical College of Ohio, Research and Grants Administration
US: Ohio Venture Association
US: Private Equity & Venture Capital Firms  a directory  from
US: Texas Research Administrators Group  search engine for locating funding opportunities from many different agencies
US: UNO Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Higher Education Network of Research Information
US: Venture Capital Online™  online community of venture capital seeking companies, professional venture capital providers, and professional service providers
US: Venture Capital Directory  links directory of venture-capital firms  from dmoz open directory project
US: Venture Capital Resource Library  links to scores of venture-capital firms
US: Venture Capital: Resources for Entrepreneurs  links directory  from dmoz open directory project
US: Venture Innovations Inc.  develops lucrative Internet businesses by arranging strategic partnerships and venture capital
US: Venture-Preneurs Network  assists emerging ventures in financing, mobilizing resources, making important contacts and finding information
US: Western Association of Venture Capitalists

Inventor Publications

UK: Inventors World Magazine
US: Eagle Forum  Patent Rights news, information and commentary
US: Idea Marketplace  A Magazine for Inventors and Entrepreneurs
US: Inventor's Digest  magazine
US: Inventors Network News  bi-monthly newsletter
US: Mississippi Innovator  newsletter published by Mississippi Small Business Development Center
US: Online Inventor  monthly newsletter

Inventor Resource Information

Australia: Victorian Innovation Centre
Germany: INSTI Project  patent info and databases, innovation management, info about financial support, licences, patent attorneys
Germany: Die Lizenzdatenbank RALF  The License Databank "RALF" run by the German Patent Office (in German)
Inventor's Checklist  from Arthur D. Little Enterprises Inc.
US: Inventors
US: America's Inventor  online edition - tools of the trade for the independent inventor
US: Drafting U.S. Patent Appication Specifications to Comply with the Legal Requriements
US: Dream Merchant Online  resource guide for inventors
US: From Patent to Profit  from IPT Co
US: Intellectual Property Creators  Patent Enforcement and Public Policy for Inventors
US: Invention and Design  Learning Modules offered by University of Virginia to promote understanding of invention and design process
US: Invention City  Protecting your invention
US: Invention Dimension  from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
US: Invention Zone  latest trends regarding patents, trademarks, copyrights and marketing
US: Inventor Assistance Source Directory  locate organizations that provide assistance to inventors and entrepreneurs  in .pdf format (537KB)
US: Inventor Funding Sources  from Ronald J. Riley
US: Inventors Assistance League
US: Inventor's Guide  from Exceptional Products, Inc.
US: Inventor's Mill-Shop  assistance in obtaining patents, selling product, licensing product
US: Inventor's Resource  from Andy Gibbs
US: Inventorweb  Have your invention featured on its own web page
US: Inventure Place  internet links directory for inventors
US: Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation
US: Lemelson-MIT Prize Program Handbook for Inventors
US-Maine: University of Maine, Department of Industrial Cooperation, Information for Inventors
US: MIT Enterprise Forum  network that promotes the formation and growth of innovative companies though education programs
US: National Inventors Hall of Fame
US: Oklahoma State University, Inventor's Assistance Service  Service helping Inventors navigate process from idea to marketplace
US: Patent Cafe
US: Toy Invention SuperSite  instruction course in toy inventing
US Patent and Tradmark Office, Independent Inventor Resources
US: Wisconsin Innovation Service Center  Market and Technical Assessment Service run by University of Wisconsin

Invention Marketing

Household Hints for Inventors - a FAQ  Invention Promotion Firms, Advertising & Sales, Market Evaluation, Marketing & Licensing Contracts, Protecting Yourself  from Inc.
How Does The Invention Scam Work?  from Inventors Awareness Center
Invention Development & Marketing Scams
Invention Marketing Companies  Are they for real?  from Brown, Pinnisi & Michaels, PC
Invention Promotion Firms  brochure from the Federal Trade Commission
Methods of Invention Marketing Companies  Excerpt from Comments of  Donald R. Dunner, Chairman, Section of Intellectual Property Law, American Bar Association
National Inventor Fraud Center
Red Flag Warnings  guide to verify the credibility of an invention promotion company  from Frank Pierce Law Center
Ronald J. Riley's Invention Promoter Caution List
US: Ohio Revised Code on Invention Marketing

What is an invention development company?  from Oppedahl & Larson
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