[word problems part 4][section 29]

(1.)  Sam has 45 coins in dimes and quarters.   The total value

     of the coins is $7.65 .   How many coins of each kind

     does he have?

     d + q = 45

     .10d + .25q = 7.65                here is the problem

   - .10d - .10q = -4.5      multiply equation 1 thru by -.10
            .15q =  3.15     subtract equations
            _____  ______
            .15     .15       divide each side by .15

               q = 21         divide and cancel

      d + 21 = 45                replace q with 21

         -21  -21         subtract 21 from each side
       d    = 24           subtract

result:  24 dimes and 21 quarters

(2.)   Cliff puts quarters and nickels aside for paying tolls.

       He has a total of 18 coins with a total value of $2.90 .
       How many coins of each kind does he have?

       n + q = 18

       .05n + .25q = 2.90                 here is the problem

      -.05n - .05q = -.90    multiply equation 1 thru by -.05
              .2q = 2                subtract equations
               ___ ___
               .2   .2           divide each side by .2

                q = 10           divide and cancel

            n + 10 = 18            replace q with 10

              -10   -10        subtract 10 from each side
            n       = 8           subtract

result :   8 nickels and 10 quarters

(3.)  Joe invested $5000, part at a yearly rate of 7% and

      part at a yearly rate of 9%.   The total interest

      earned for one year was $368 .   How much did he

      invest at each rate?

       x + y = 5000

      .07x + .09y = 368                here is the problem

     -.07x - .07y = -350         multiply eq 1 thru by -.07
             .02y =   18        subtract equations
             _____   ____
              .02     .02          divide each side by .02

                  y = 900           divide and cancel

    x + 900 = 5000         replace y with 900

        -900   -900         subtract 900 from each side
    x           =  4100          subtract

result:  $4100 at 7 % and $900 at 9 % .

(4.)  Two loans were taken out totaling $35,000.   The yearly

      interest rates were 12% and 15% and the total yearly

      interest was $4650.   Find the amount of each loan.

       x + y = 35,000

      .12x + .15y = 4650             here is the problem

     -.12x - .12y = -4200      multiply equation 1 thru by -.12
             .03y =   450        subtract equations
             ____    _____
             .03     .03           divide each side by .03

              y = 15,000          divide and cancel

         x + 15,000 = 35,000    replace y with 15,000
             -15,000  -15,000     subtract 15,000 fr ea side
         x             = 20,000        subtract

result:  $20,000 at 12 % and 15,000 at 15 % .

(5.)  7500 tickets were sold for a concert.   Total receipts

      amounted to $45,000 .  Tickets sold for $5.50 and $7.00 .

      How many tickets of each kind were sold?

       x + y = 7500

       5.5x + 7y = 45,000              here is the problem

      -5.5x - 5.5y = -41,250    multiply eq 1 thru by -5.5
              1.5y =   3750    subtract equations
              ____     ____
              1.5      1.5     divide each side by 1.5

                y = 2500        divide and cancel

          x + 2500 = 7500          replace y with 2500

              -2500  -2500     subtract 2500 from each side
         x           = 5000      subtract

result:  5000 tickets at $5.50 per ticket,

         2500 tickets at $7.00 per ticket

(6.)  Five full-fare bus tickets and one half-fare ticket

      cost $90.75 .  Four full-fare tickets and two half-fare

      tickets cost 82.50 .   How much does each type of

      ticket cost?

      5f + h = 90.75

      4f + 2h = 82.50              here is the problem

     -2f - h = -41.25    multiply eq 2 thru by -1/2, cancel

      5f + h = 90.75      put this here
     3f      = 49.50    add equations
     ___      _______
      3          3        divide each side by 3

         f = 16.50       divide and cancel

       4(16.50) + 2h = 82.50   replace f with 16.50

        66 + 2h = 82.50       multiply

      - 66      - 66       subtract 66 from each side
             2h = 16.50          subtract
             ___  ______
             2      2        divide each side by 2
                h = 8.25      divide and cancel

result:  full-fare tickets cost $16.50 and half-fare

         tickets cost $8.25 .

(7.)   Bob makes a bank deposit of $595 with 96 five- and

      ten- dollar bills.   How many of each kind of bill

        did she deposit?

        f + t = 96

       5f + 10t = 595                 here is the problem

      -5f - 5t = -480     multiply eq. 1 thru by -5
           5t = 115        subtract equations
           ___  ____
           5     5          divide each side by 5

             t = 23         divide and cancel

          f + 23 = 96     replace t with 23

             -23  -23   subtract 23 from each side
           f     = 73      subtract

result:  73 fives and 23 tens

(8.)  Ralph paid $6.60 for some 15 cent stamps and some 20

      cent stamps.  He bought 37 stamps in all.  How many of

      each kind of stamp did he buy?

          x + y = 37

      .15x + .20y = 6.60              here is the problem

    - .15x - .15y = -5.55       multiply eq 1 thru by -.15
             .05y =  1.05      subtract equations
              ___  _______
             .05    .05          divide each side by .05

                 y = 21          divide and cancel
           x + 21 = 37            replace y with 21

               -21  -21      subtract 21 from each side
           x        = 16        subtract

result:  Sixteen 15 cent stamps.  Twenty-one 20 cent stamps.

(9.)   There were two models of calculators.   One model sold

       for $22.75 and the other model sold for 15.95.   In

       all, there were 31 calculators.   The total sale of

      these 31 calculators was $576.06 .   How many of each

      model were sold?

       A + B = 31

     22.75A + 15.95B = 576.05           here is the problem

    -15.95A - 15.95B = -494.45      multiply eq 1 thru by -15.95
      6.80A          = 81.60       subtract equations
      _____            _____
       6.80            6.80      divide each side by 6.80

         A = 12                 divide and cancel

     12 + B = 31                 replace A with 12

    -12       -12         subtract 12 from each side
           B = 19          subtract

result:   12 calculators and 19 calculators

(10.)   A library charges a fixed amount for the first day that

        a book is overdue and an additional charge for each day

        thereafter.  Sam paid $0.75 for one book that was 7 days

        overdue and $1.95 for a book that was 19 days overdue.

        Find the fixed charge and the charge for each additional


        f + 6a = 0.75

        f + 18a = 1.95              here is the problem

        f + 6a =  0.75        put this here
            12a = 1.20          subtract equations
            ____  ___
            12     12      divide each side by 12

                 a = .10       divide and cancel

           f + 6(.10) = 0.75     replace a with 10

           f + .60 = 0.75          multiply

              - .60   -.60    subtract .60 from each side
            f       =  .15         subtract

result:  The fixed charge is $0.15 and the additional charge

            is $0.10 per day.