[ratio and proportion][section 49]

(1.)  7/8 = x/40               here is the problem

      8x = 280         cross multiply
     ____ ____
       8    8      divide each side by 8

        x = 35         divide and cancel

(2.)   9/2 = 63/x         here is the problem

       9x = 126           cross multiply
       ___  ____
       9      9           divide each side by 9

         x = 14         divide and cancel

(3.)  11/x = 132/24         here is the problem

     132x = 264           cross multiply
     _____  ___
      132   132          divide each side by 132

          x = 2            divide and cancel

(4.)   x/13 = 10/65        here is the problem

        65x = 130        cross multiply
        ____  ____
         65    65    divide each side by 65

         x = 2            divide and cancel

(5.)  21/5 = x/2.5           here is the problem

         5x = 52.5          cross multiply
         ___ _____
          5     5           divide each side by 5

          x = 10.5          divide and cancel

(6.)  29/7 = x/1.75       here is the problem

       7x = 50.75       cross multiply
       ___ _______
       7    7              divide each side by 7

        x = 7.25          divide and cancel

(7.)  17/2 = 8.5/x          here is the problem

      17x = 17            cross multiply
      ____ ___
       17  17           divide each side by 17

         x = 1         divide and cancel

(8.)  (b + 3)/5 = 7/10        here is the problem

          10b + 30 = 35      cross multiply

              -30   -30      subtract 30 from each side
           10b    =  5         subtract
          ____     _____
          10          10           divide each side by 10

             b = 1/2           reduce and cancel

(9.)  3/z = 8/(z + 5)            here is the problem

        8z = 3z + 15           cross multiply

         -3z  -3z              subtract 3z from each side
        5z =      15            subtract
       ___      _____
         5          5         divide each side by 5

              z = 3             divide and cancel

(10.)  (r + 4)/2 = (r - 3)/1          here is the problem

          2r - 6 = r + 4        cross multiply

           +   6    +  6        add 6 to each side
          2r      = r + 10  add

          -r       -r           subtract r from each side
        r        =        10         subtract