[quadratic word problems part 2][section 68]

(1.)  The square of a number is 56 more than the number itself.

      What is the number?


      n2 = n + 56                here is the problem

     -n  -n              subtract n from each side
   n2 - n =    56        subtract
       -56    -56     subtract 56 from each side
  n2 - n - 56 = 0         subtract

 (n - 8)(n + 7) = 0       factor

    n - 8 = 0    n + 7 = 0  set each factor equal to 0

       +8  +8       - 7 -7   add this to each side
   ____________  __________
      n = 8     ,   n = -7   add

results:  n = 8 ,  n = -7

(2.)  The perimeter of a rectangle is 30 meter and its area

      is 54 square meters. What are its dimensions?

      2L + 2w = 30

      wL = 54                here is the problem

     2L + 2w = 30
     ___  __  ___
     2    2    2       divide thru by 2

       L + w = 15           divide and cancel

        -w       -w    subtract w from each side
    L       = 15 - w       subtract

        w(15 - w) = 54     replace L with 15 - w

          15w - w2 = 54       multiply thru parentheses

        -15w + w2 = -54      multiply thru by -1

       w2 - 15w = -54          rearrange terms

             + 54  +54          add 54 to each side
      w2 - 15w + 54 = 0         add
    (w - 9)(w - 6) = 0            factor

        w - 6 = 0    set this factor equal to 0

            + 6 +6       add 6 to each side
           w =  6            add

   L = 15 - 6             replace w with 6

  L = 9                    subtract

results:  w = 6 and L = 9

(3.)  A number exceeds its square by 2/9.  Find the number.

         n = n2 + (2/9)                here is the problem

       9n = 9n2 + 2      multiply thru by 9, cancel

      9n2 + 2 = 9n    just rearrange like this

       -9n     -9n   subtract 9n from each side
     9n2 - 9n + 2 = 0            subtract

   (3n - 1)(3n - 2) = 0         factor

     3n - 1 = 0     3n - 2 = 0    set each factor equal to 0

           + 1 +1         + 2 +2    add this to each side
    _______________  ____________
    3n   =    1   ,   3n  =     2       add
   ___      ___      ___       ___
     3        3      3           3   divide each side by 3

   n = 1/3   ,   n = 2/3             cancel

results:  n = 1/3,   n = 2/3

(4.)  The difference of the squares of two consecutive odd

     integers is 56.  What are the integers?

     n2 - (n + 2)2 = 56           here is the problem

     n2 - (n2 + 4n + 4) = 56    square the binomial

      n2 - n2 - 4n - 4 = 56    multiply thru parentheses

            -4n - 4 = 56    combine like terms

            4n + 4 = -56         multiply thru by -1

                 -4  -4    subtract 4 from each side
            4n      = -60     subtract
           ___        ____
             4          4     divide each side by 4

                 n = -15     divide and cancel


The numbers are 13 and 15.  And the numbers are -15 and -13 .

(5.)  A rectangular city lot has an area of 1000 square meters.

     If the length of the lot is 10 meters more than twice its

     width, find the dimensions of the lot.

      wL = 1000

      L = 10 + 2w                     here is the problem

     w(10 + 2w) = 1000    replace L with 10 + 2w

     10w + 2w2 = 1000        multiply thru parentheses

      2w2 + 10w = 1000         rearrange terms
     ____  ____  _____
      2     2     2         divide thru by 2

       w2 + 5w = 500         divide and cancel

            -500  -500        subtract 500 from each side
       w2 + 5w - 500 = 0         subtract

     (w + 25)(w - 20) = 0       factor

      w - 20 = 0   set this factor equal to 0

    +   20  +20     add 20 to each side
      w  =   20       add

    L = 10 + 2(20)    replace w with 20

    L = 50              multiply add

results:  w = 20 and L = 50

(6.)  The numerator of a fraction is 1 less than its
     denominator.  If the fraction is increased by 2 times

     its reciprocal, the sum will be 3 5/12.  Find the

     numerator and the denominator.

     n = d - 1

    (n/d) + 2(d/n) = 3 5/12        here is the problem

     (n/d) + (2d/n) = 41/12     write as an improper fraction

      12n2 + 24d2 = 41dn     multiply thru by 12dn and cancel
      12(d - 1)2 + 24d2 = 41d(d - 1)   replace n with d - 1

      12d2 - 24d + 12 + 24d2 = 41d2 - 41d   multiply

      36d2 - 24d + 12 = 41d2 - 41d      combine like terms

            +41d            + 41d    add 41d to each side
      36d2 + 17d + 12 = 41d2            add

     -36d2 - 17d - 12 = -41d2     multiply thru by -1

   +  41d2            +  41d2   add this to each side
       5d2 - 17d - 12 = 0           add

      (5d + 3)(d - 4) = 0        factor
    d - 4 = 0   set this factor equal to 0

   +    4  +4    add 4 to each side
   d    =   4      add

n = 4 - 1        replace d with 4

n = 3             subtract

results:  the numerator is 3 and the denominator is 4.

(7.) One number is 3 more than another.  The product of

     the numbers is 54.  Find the numbers.

      a = b + 3

      ab = 54                    here is the problem

      (b + 3)(b) = 54       replace a with b + 3

       b2 + 3b = 54         multiply thru parentheses

            -54  -54     subtract 54 from each side
       b2 + 3b - 54 = 0        subtract

  (b + 9)(b - 6) = 0           factor

    b + 9 = 0     b - 6 = 0   set each factor equal to 0

     -  9  -9     +    6 + 6   add this to each side
  ______________ ______________
         b = -9  ,     b = 6     add

a = -9 + 3     a = 6 + 3    replace b with -9 and with 6

a = -6     a = 9             add

results: The numbers are 6 and 9, or, the numbers are -9 and -6.

(8.)   The denominator of a fraction is 2 more than its

        numerator.   If the fraction is increased by 3 times

       its reciprocal, the sum will be 5 3/5.  Find the


       d = 2 + n

       (n/d) + 3(d/n) = 5 3/5           here is the problem

       (n/d) + (3d/n) = (28/5)    write as an improper fraction

        5n2 + 15d2 = 28dn    multiply thru by 5nd, and cancel

        5n2 + 15(2 + n)2 = 28(2 + n)(n)   replace d with 2 + n

        5n2 + 60 + 60n + 15n2 = 56n + 28n2    multiply

        20n2 + 60n + 60 = 28n2 + 56n    combine like terms

        28n2 + 56n = 20n2 + 60n + 60    just rearrange

       -20n2        -20n2            subtract 20n2 fr ea side
         8n2 + 56n =        60n + 60   subtract

               -60n        -60n      subtract 60n fr ea side
         8n2 - 4n  =             60   subtract

             -60             -   60 subtract 60 fr ea side
         8n2 - 4n - 60 = 0             subtract
        ____  ___  ___  ___
          4    4    4    4      divide thru by 4

         2n2 - n - 15 = 0         divide and cancel

        (2n + 5)(n - 3) = 0        factor

          n - 3 = 0       set this factor equal to 0

            + 3  +3      add 3 to each side
         n    = 3            add

        d = 2 + 3              replace n with 3

           d = 5              add

result:  The fraction is 3/5 .

(9.)  In a theater, the number of seats in each row is 16 fewer

     than the number of rows.   How many seats are there in

     each row of a 1161 - seat theater?

     s = r - 16

     rs = 1161             here is the problem

     r(r - 16) = 1161   replace s with r - 16

     r2 - 16r = 1161        multiply thru parentheses

           -1161  -1161     subtract 1161 from each side
     r2 - 16r - 1161 = 0         subtract

  (r - 43)(r + 27) = 0          factor

       r - 43 = 0           set this factor equal to 0

          + 43  +43          add 43 to each side
          r    =  43           add

  s = 43 - 16              replace r with 43

   s = 27                subtract

result:  27 seats

(10.)  The length of a rectangle is 3 times its width.  The

      area of the rectangle is 192 square cm.   What are the

      dimensions of the rectangle?

     L = 3w

       wL = 192              here is the problem
      w(3w) = 192           replace L with 3w

         3w2 = 192          multiply
         ___  _____
           3   3           divide each side by 3

           w2 = 64            divide and cancel

          w = 8                take square roots

         L = 3(8)             replace w with 8

         L = 24                multiply

results:  w = 8 and L = 24