[mixture problems][section 30]

(1.) A baker mixes cookies worth $0.95 per pound with cookies

     worth $1.70 per pound.   How many of each kind must be used

     to produce a 45-pound mixture that sells for $1.25 per


     x + y = 45

     0.95x + 1.7y = 1.25(45)       here is the problem

      0.95x + 1.7y = 56.25       just multiply

     -0.95x - 0.95y = -42.75   multiply eq 1 thru by -0.95
              0.75y = 13.50    subtract equations
              _____  _______
              0.75    0.75     divide each side by 0.75

                y = 18         divide and cancel

      x + 18 = 45           replace y with 18

         -18  -18        subtract 18 from each side 
      x      = 27         subtract

result:  27 pounds of the first kind of cookie.

         18 pounds of the second kind of cookie.

(2.)   A 4 % salt solution is mixed with an 8 % salt solution.

       How many grams of each solution are needed to obtain a

       400 grams of a 5 % solution?

       x + y = 400

       .04x + .08y = .05(400)         here is the problem

       .04x + .08y = 20            just multiply

      -.04x - .04y = -16     multiply eq 1 thru by -.04
               .04y = 4         subtract equations
               ____  ____
               .04    .04      divide each side by .04

                    y = 100        divide and cancel

               x + 100 = 400        replace y with 100

                  -100  -100    subtract 100 from each side
                x        = 300     subtract

result:  300 grams of the 4 % solution.

         100 grams of the 8 % solution.

(3.)   An alloy that is 35 % copper is melted with a second

       alloy that is  65 % copper.  How many kilograms of each

        alloy must be melted to obtain 20 kilograms of an alloy

           that is 41 % copper?

        x + y = 20

       .35x + .65y = .41(20)        here is the problem

       .35x + .65y = 8.2       just multiply

      -.35x - .35y = -7        multiply eq 1 thru by -.35
               .3y = 1.2      subtract equations
               ____  _____
                 .3   .3         divide each side by .3

                  y = 4           divide and cancel

            x + 4 = 20         replace y with 4

                -4  -4    subtract 4 from each side
             x   = 16       subtract

result:  16 kg of the 35 % solution.

         4 kg of the 65 % solution.

(4.)   Solution A, which is 10 % iodine, is mixed with solution

       B, which is 18 % iodine, to obtain 320 grams of a

       solution that is 15 % iodine.   How many gram of each

       solution are needed?

      A + B = 320

    .10A + .18B = .15(320)           here is the problem

     .10A + .18B =  48            just multiply

    -.10A - .10B = -32     multiply eq 1 thru by -.10
            .08B = 16          subtract equations
            _____ ____
             .08   .08          divide each side by .08

              B = 200           divide and cancel

       A + 200 = 320               replace B with 200

           -200  -200       subtract 200 from each side
        A      = 120              subtract

result:  120 grams of solution A, and 200 grams of solution B

(5.)  A milk distributer has cream that is 24 % butterfat and

      cream that is 18 % butterfat.  How many quarts of each

      must be used to obtain 90 quarts of cream that is

      22 % butterfat?

     x + y = 90

     .24x + .18y = .22(90)        here is the problem

     .24x + .18y = 19.8         just multiply

   - .18x - .18y = -16.2     multiply eq 1 thru by -.18
      .06x      =    3.6       subtract equations
      _____         _____
       .06           .06         divide each side by .06

             x = 60              divide and cancel

     60 + y = 90                replace x with 60

    -60       -60           subtract 60 from each side

          y = 30              subtract

result:  60 quarts of the first cream.

         30 quarts of the second cream.

(6.)   A tank contains 100 liters of a solution of acid and

       water.   The solution is 20 % acid.  How much water

      must be evaporated to obtain a solution that is 50 %


         .80(100) - w = .5(100 - w)      here is the problem

           80 - w = 50 - .5w     multiply thru parentheses

           -80 + w = -50 + .5w   multiply thru by -1

               -.5w     -  .5w  subtract .5w from each side

           -80 + .5w = -50          subtract

          + 80        + 80      add 80 to each side
                 .5w = 30         add
                 ____  ___
                 .5    .5       divide each side by .5

                      w = 60        divide and cancel

result:  60 liters of water must be evaporated

(7.)   An 8 % plant food solution is mixed with a 12 % solution.

       How many liter of each solutions are needed to obtain

       10 liters of a 9 % solution?

        x + y = 10

       .08x + .12y = .09(10)        here is the problem

       .08x + .12y = .9          just multiply

     - .08x - .08y = - .8      multiply eq 1 thru by - .08
              .04y = .1        subtract equations
              ____   ____
               .04   .04         divide each side by .04

                 y = 2.5         divide and cancel

            x + 2.5 = 10              replace y with 2.5

               -2.5  -2.5       subtract 2.5 from each side
             x        =  7.5        subtract

result:  7.5 liters of the 8 % solution

         2.5 liters of the 12 % solution

(8.)   Wild rice worth $9.50 per pound is mixed with brown

       rice worth $2.25 per pound.   How many pounds of each

       kind of rice must be used to produce a 50-pound mixture

       selling for $3.70 per pound?

        w + b = 50

       9.5w + 2.25b = 3.7(50)          here is the problem

       9.5w + 2.25b = 185            just multiply

     -2.25w - 2.25b = -112.5     multiply eq 1 thru by -2.25
       7.25w       =   72.5     subtract equations
       ______          _____
       7.25            7.25      divide each side by 7.25

          w = 10                divide and cancel

          10 + b = 50   replace w with 10

           -10     -10       subtract 10 from each side

               b = 40         subtract

result:  10 pounds of wild rice and 40 pounds of brown rice.

(9.)  A solution contains 8 grams of acid and 32 grams of

      water.  How many grams of water must be evaporated to

      obtain a solution that is 40 % acid?

      .80(40) - w = .60(40 - w)
       here is the problem

        32 - w =  24 - .6w     multiply thru parentheses

          +  w     +     w    add w to each side
         32     = 24 + .4w           add

        -24      -24        subtract 24 from each side
          8 =         .4w        subtract
         ____          ___
          .4           .4         divide each side by .4

             20 = w              divide and cancel

result:  20 grams of water must be evaporated

(10.)  A chemist has one solution that is 40 % acid and a

       second solution that is 15 % acid.  How many grams of

       each should be used to obtain 40 grams of a solution

       that is 25 % acid?

        x + y = 40

       .40x + .15y = .25(40)            here is the problem

       .4x + .15y = 10             just multiply

    -.15x - .15y = -6       multiply eq 1 thru by -.15
      .25x     =   4         subtract equations
       ____       ___
        .25       .25         divide each side by .25

            x = 16             divide and cancel

           16 + y = 40   replace x with 16

         - 16     -16  subtract 16 from each side
               y = 24       subtract

result:    16 grams of the 1st solution.  24 grams of the 2nd
