[addition method][section 25]

(1.)  2x + y = 7          

      3x - y = 3                   here is the problem
      5x   =  10       add equations
     ____    ____
       5       5       divide each side by 5

         x = 2          divide and cancel

       2(2) + y = 7  replace x with 2

          4 + y = 7       multiply

          -4      -4     subtract 4 from each side
              y = 3        subtract

result:  x = 2 and y = 3

(2.)  a + 5b = 10                   

     -a + 4b = 8                      here is the problem
          9b = 18          add equations
          ___  ___
          9     9           divide each side by 9

            b = 2               divide and cancel
    a + 5(2) = 10               replace b with 2

       a + 10 = 10             multiply

            -10  -10         subtract 10 from each side
       a         = 0         subtract

result:  a = 0 and b = 2

(3.)  7x + 3y = 19

      4x - 3y = 3                 here is the problem
     11x    = 22             add equations
     ____     ___
      11      11             divide each side by 11

           x = 2             divide and cancel

     7(2) + 3y = 19          replace x with 2

      14 + 3y = 19              multiply

     -14       -14    subtract 14 from each side
           3y = 5          subtract
           ___ __
            3  3          divide each side by 3

            y = 5/3            cancel

result:  x = 2  and y = 5/3


(4.)  -7c - 8d = 8

       7c - 8d = 8                here is the problem
          -16d = 16            add equations
          _____  ____
           -16   -16          divide each side by -16

               d = -2             divide and cancel

       7c - 8(-2) = 8          replace d with -2

     7c + 16 = 8                 multiply

         -16   -16      subtract 16 from each side
        7c      = -8      subtract
        ___      ___
          7        7      divide each side by 7

             c = -8/7           cancel

result:  c = -8/7 and d = -2

(5.)  x + 3y = 9

      -x + 2y = 6                    here is the problem
              5y = 15            add equations
              ___ ____
                5  5            divide each side by 5

              y = 3              divide and cancel

       x + 3(3) = 9           replace y with 3
          x + 9 = 9            multiply

               -9 -9        subtract 9 from each side
           x      = 0       subtract

result:  x = 0 and y = 3

(6.)  (3/4)x - (1/2)y = 4

      (1/4)x + (1/2)y = 2.5              here is the problem
           x           = 6.5        add equations

        (1/4)(6.5) + (1/2)y = 2.5   replace x with 6.5

         1.625    + (1/2)y = 2.5      multiply

    -    1.625          -   1.625   subtract 1.625 from
    ______________________________   each side
               (1/2)y =   0.875      subtract

            2(1/2)y = (2)(0.875)   multiply each side by 2
                 y = 1.75             multiply

result:  x = 6.5   and   y = 1.75

(7.)  (1/2)x + y = 9

      (3/4)x - y = 0                here is the problem
      1.25x    =  9          add equations
     _______     ___
      1.25       1.25           divide each side by 1.25

           x = 7.2             divide and cancel

       (1/2)(7.2) + y = 9           replace x with 7.2

          3.6 + y = 9             multiply

          -3.6    -3.6        subtract 3.6 from each side

                y = 5.4         subtract

result:  x = 7.2  and y = 5.4

(8.)  0.4x + y = 1.2

      0.6x - y = 3.9              here is the problem
        x       = 5.1           add equations

       0.4(5.1) + y = 1.2     replace x with 5.1

       2.04 + y = 1.2            multiply

     -2.04    - 2.04       subtract 2.04 from each side
             y = -0.84       subtract

result:   x = 5.1 and y = -0.84

(9.)  2x - 3y = 8

      2x + 3y = 4                here is the problem
       4x   =  12          add equations
      ____    ____
      4         4        divide each side by 4

           x = 3          divide and cancel

      2(3) + 3y = 4       replace x with 3

         6 + 3y = 4               multiply

         -6      -6      subtract 6 from each side
              3y = -2       subtract
             ____ ____
              3     3    divide each side by 3

               y = -2/3         cancel

result:  x = 3 and y = -2/3

(10.)   7a + 6b = 0

        15a - 6b = 0            here is the problem
       22a      = 0     add equations
       ____     _____
        22        22     divide each side by 22

       a = 0               divide and cancel

       7(0) + 6b = 0          replace a with 0

             6b = 0           multiply and add
           ____  ___
             6    6      divide each side by 6

               b = 0         divide and cancel

result:  a = 0 and b = 0