Apronstrings Journals

The Lifetime Series of Journals provides the format to record your journey through life. Tell your experiences with cars in A Lifetime of Cars --- include the car you learned to drive, your first car, the car you borrowed, dramatic stories of close calls, funny stories and photos of family trips; a great gift for the car buff!

If your lifetime has been punctuated by a series of moves called adventures, record them in A Lifetime of Homes. (Why did you move? What was unique about each location? What was the neighborhood like?) Record your photos and stories of each of your homes. Tell of experiences that made each one memorable.

Recall the foods and friends who shared special times of your life and include the stories, recipes, guests' autographs, and/or photos in A Lifetime of Celebrations With Food.. Include not only Thanksgiving, but also special cakes, weddings, picnics, post-recital, SuperBowl, showers, potluck dinners, church suppers, foreign trips, etc.

Choose and use the 160 pages in each of these journals to record your journey through life.
These were created by ApronStrings; "ApronStrings Make Family Ties."

Cost is $7.00 each plus shipping & handling

See Order Form